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[AWOL] Jojo

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Posts posted by [AWOL] Jojo

  1. -support 

    No clear evidence of RDM, recording would be preferred.

    Just because one guy RDMs doesn’t mean that an entire gang should be removed, if you have clear evidence of him being a minge report him and he will with enough clear evidence recive a strike. This isn’t enough evidence...

  2. +support

    As snar has said in past meetings it is our job when on duty to be cloaked and if we get killed its our fault however joke or not you really shouldn't have killed him but he shouldnt have warned you for it.


    Some things deserve warnings, but after all, this is a game and it was a joke, and I did not see ANY sits being called in admin chat,  so it didnt harm the server in any way shape or form

  3. Questions

    Your In-game: Jojo Umbrella Corp

    Your SteamID: STEAM_0:0:68504929
    The admin's name in-game: Ethan Hunt
    The admin's steam name (If you know it):
    What warning did you receive: Lying to staff/FailRP
    Evidence of the warn (REQUIRED): Ethan will comment but here's the warn:
    [AWarn] You have been warned by [GL]Ethanhunt: lieing to staff/fail rp
    Why do you think this warn was false: It a mistake.
    Any extra information:
  4. -Support if you are on hospital building sniping people in the parking lot or anywhere near there It is not secluded. You and the person you are shooting have to be in a private area. Non the less it is mingey to shoot people for no RP reason. 

    -Support if you are on hospital building sniping people in the parking lot or anywhere near there It is not secluded. You and the person you are shooting have to be in a private area. Non the less it is mingey to shoot people for no RP reason. 

    The purpose of the murderer job is to murder, you don’t need an actual reason. I’ve seen staff shoot from hospital roof and staff saying it is allowed since the murderer is in a secluded area and usually won’t be found. I might be wrong but I thought the entire point of the roof was to shoot from there.

    I’d love if Nolan or somebody like that says if it is allowed or not.

  5. Questions


    Your In-game: Jojo Umbrella Corp


    Your SteamID: STEAM_0:0:68504929


    The admin's name in-game: SassiGames


    The admin's steam name (If you know it): [GL] twitch.tv/whoisxsi 


    What warning did you receive: Murdering in a non secluded area


    Evidence of the warn (REQUIRED):



    Why do you think this warn was false: I've been told by MANY staff members that If I am ontop of the hosptial roof murdering then it isn't violating the MOTD. I am in a secluded area (In both mine and several other players and staff) and people would normally not see me. People usually murder me in the middle of the street from hospital and staff keep saying it's okay.


    Any extra information:

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