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Posts posted by Sparkle

  1. 2 minutes ago, Nenea Tanti said:

    It is truly amazing to see that CI's witchunting knows no limits, the sit was dealt with in game, and as it was already explained "body blocking" isn't an official rule written in the MOTD but I will not do it again after it was explained to me that it isn't allowed.

    Extremely uncalled for response. And actually yes, bodyblocking is a written rule.

    General Rules -> Rule 12: Do not use your character's body to block doorways, hallways, or other areas.

    The least you could do is say that this was handled in game respectfully.


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  2. Name: Sparkle

    Rank: Director of Logistics

    Branch: Utility

    Length (MM/DD/ - MM/DD): 8/1/21 - 8/8/21

    Reason (If private that's fine): Generally feeling unwell. Work schedule continues to punch and I'm without AC or a dryer so have to get that fixed. Will be available on a limited basis as usual.

  3. I think BOTH of you need a slap. This is getting hecking ridiculous. Reputation abuse, picking on each other, dissing in and out of game. Do I need to go on? People in and out of the server, not involved, are seeing this as extremely harmful to not only each other directly but each other's branches indirectly. It's time for you both to cool down.

    As for the report itself, +Support ONLY to have something done about it. I don't want punishment, just enough of a poke in the balloon to relieve the pressure. Remember, it's not the content of the message, it's the feeling of the message conveyed. All I feel is anger and resentment over someone's opinions.

    • Like 4
  4. 12 hours ago, Loaff said:


    With 2 staff reports made on Jackcat in less than 2 days along with prior incidents of misconduct (A large portion of which is listed by ShinSpin in Jackcat's other staff report) I believe a removal from the staff team is in order, maybe even a staff restriction. The disregard for staff duties and abuse of power that has been shown by him is unacceptable on the staff team, along with insubordination and toxicity towards other staff (refusing to take sits or begrudgingly doing so when sits have been up for several minutes etc.). Excusals for this behavior have been extremely lacking.

    As for the content of this report itself, I am immensely disappointed that a staff member would act this way, to not give justice because you "don't feel like it". This is not how a staff member should be acting. Jackcat is not fit for staff.

    Edit: Responses by staff member shows clear incapacity to hold a staff rank. Complete removal at minimum.


  5. 51 minutes ago, Cloaker said:

    what does NLR have to do about the report?

    The NLR is relevant because the player is basically dead (once again per the combat logs you provided) and him switching away is confirmation of "death". No difference would have been made if he died at that spot or switched off. Same NLR, same waiting for it to be over. At worst a verbal should be given because the consequence would have been the same in either position.

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  6. 34 minutes ago, Mitchell Hugh said:

    While he DID technically break a rule, this is such a petty thing to report someone over in my opinion, It doesn't seem to matter whether you actually killed him there or not, since he followed NLR regardless, I'm not saying Light shouldn't be punished at all, A verbal warning should still be issued, But pushing for a formal warning over this just seems silly.

    I'm agreeing with this opinion because of the facts given. What RP was gonna be done other than shoot to kill? The screenshot of the combat logs you’ve shown indicates no other RP being granted than straight death. NLR was followed by the reportee.


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