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Posts posted by Bronco

  1. In-Game Name:  Bronco

    SteamID:  STEAM_1:0:79465866

    Rank:  Captain (CPT)

    How is your activity on the server?:  Very good

    Any questions/issues/concerns?:  People need to be active


    What is something that we can do to increase the activity within State Department?:  Nothing, maybe do more special things like checkpoints to get people on more.

    Is there anything you would like to see for State Department? (What can we do to improve the future of the State Department):  More vehicles (Explorer for command, etc).  Other suggestions I'll just recommend in person.

  2. 7 hours ago, Injoker said:


    the jobs are barely used now, closing it off to an application would make it even more underused. 

    People don’t want to sit through long court cases, both the criminals and police. 

    people dont play the jobs because no judges are ever on.  removing payment and making it applied for would increase the judge activity and would probably cause people to want to play on the attorney and prosecutor jobs more.

    sitting through court cases and actually rping on the server is better than a pseudo-militaryrp where it's just constant shootouts in my opinion

  3. -SUPPORT  I think you should look at our SOP and learn about the subdivision 


    - It's called Civil Emergency Response Team

    - It does work an RP sense.  Some departments have uniquely named subdivisions.  Rebranding would be a waste of money

    - No, we aren't volunteers and we don't handle corrections.  The C is for Civil, it's a different definition

    - We don't need a new model, the one we have has State Police on it so it works for RP and it looks good

    - Idk where you got the idea that CERT handles corrections, but we don't and never have.  A tac unit for the jail is pointless and would be extremely boring

  4. 16 hours ago, XTatic said:

    - support asking for people to look for it in gen chat.....

    just cus he advertised it a little doesnt mean it shouldnt be considered

    14 hours ago, Rhenic said:

    I see where you're coming. If this were implemented, what if we made it so you had to buy the whitelist for judge if accepted, or even before applying (obviously not before each application if denied, but a one time purchase). That way, it remains a donation option, but for more serious judges.

    ya but that worsens the issue of the low amount of judges


    +support the court system should be made more serious.  it will help the server rp a lot

    • Thanks 1
  5. On 8/14/2018 at 3:35 AM, Alistair said:

    im pretty sure swat just got permission to use it, the ford explorer is a custom car from NSA anway

    +support for SM+


    1 hour ago, Injoker said:

    Pretty sure pd in an explorer is more realistic than swat in one 

    ya these are both true.  idk if the car you linked actually works with VCMOD ELS but if it does it would be nice for command in departments

    • Like 1
  6. 13 minutes ago, Carpenter John said:

    While I see where you are coming from, Tactical Units have full control over situations that require negotiating, like general store and bank hostage situations.

    Exactly, tactical units are already trained and have guidelines on how to do negotiations.  @Roz I get where you're coming from with it not being realistic, but IRL you'd have specially certified people negotiating for hostages, not investigators either.  If negotiation priority were to be taken away from tactical units, there'd have to be some sort of special training or certification within a department to do so and it would have to approved through Snar first.  BSI command doesn't have any intention on doing that right now.

  7. @Isaac  RSP stands for Rockford State Police.  It is a law enforcement department on the server that has state-wide jurisdiction and focuses mainly on traffic.  If you're interested in learning more about it or possibly applying at LCPL+, take a look at this topic:


  8. 2 hours ago, S.W.E.P. Killer Dan said:

    +/- Support

    This was used on a different server before, the way it tickets people was abused a lot, you don't even need to pull them over to give them a ticket.

    is it just the placeable ones or the actual gun too?

  9. On 5/31/2018 at 7:32 AM, Will Newel said:

    No. unmarked cars are for high ranks in departments. Certainly the Tahoe. 

    Dont have a problem with a couple of civ charges but no high command vehicles. 

    ya, unmarked cars are used for command, but also for investigative divisions like BSI, FBI, or NSA who use unmarked for surveillance, which doesn't really work if there's no chance that the charger or tahoe or taurus that is parked down the street belongs to a civilian.  also you can still tell the difference with most cars, the police tahoe has a ram bar, a spotlight, and an extremely visible lightbar on the back

    +Support, good for investigative branches, gives more cars for civs

  10. 13 minutes ago, Matthew said:

    I am going to be honest...

    I have no idea what your talking about...

    I'm dumb most likely for not knowing but...


    I was kinda confuses with the wording at first too, I thought he was talking about resetting server warns

    He's talking about the server restart every morning at like 3 AM.  He wants someone to put out an tell all thing telling everyone on the server that there will be a server restart soon, that way he can collect all of his money and doesn't loose a ton of money from bitcoin when server restarts.

  11. 16 minutes ago, Dan Yukiteru said:

    Obviously you have not read the post properly this aint about bashing BSI my ass is not on the line. This is about PD/BSI stealing my job and thinking there the most entitled people on the server I do not care about how you think we are treating your department there needs to be some changes to everyone involved in this attitude this is a RP server not a bitch fight server I am not going to sit here and have you tell me your BSI are perfectly fine and we are stating the fact of the matter because you think my ass in on the line which clearly it is not. I will not sit here being told it is my fault for others lack of understanding how to listen to simple instructions then proceed to backchat me and blame it on others. I aint ruling out my wrong doings but I aint gonna sit here and be the only one to take the blame.

    Bobby, this is a report about you and Andrew being disrespectful, not about how other departments don't listen to you, hence the part about your ass being on the line.  And no, BSI is not perfectly fine, I can admit that  If you ever cared to read the BSI SOP, moving into bank is strictly forbidden, which means that anyone doing so is doing it without the knowledge of command and it needs to be reported properly, not used as an excuse in a defense post on your report.  You have the right to defend yourself, but blaming BSI as a department when you haven't bothered to report anything doesn't help anyone.  If you're going to respond to this, take a quick break and cool down, because it doesn't look like you did with that last post.

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