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Posts posted by Bronco

  1. +Support

    These look much better, I guess you could assign the models something like this:

    • Deputy No badge=OFC
    • Private=SNR and LCPL
    • Corporal=CPL
    • Sergeant=SGT
    • Staff Sergeant=MSGT and SM
    • Lieutenant=LT
    • Captain=CPT
    • Major=MAJ
    • Lieutenant Colonel=None
    • Colonel=COL
    • maybe high command could just keep the models they have or get other ones, not sure if there's enough in this pack
  2. -support on gas masks.  get them from tac units, if they don't want to give them to you or just won't, then they don't want you to participate and you should just stay away from the gas and the raid in general

    actually Jeffe in my town all police officers carry SWAT gear at all times, they have gas masks if not on them then in their car, and all officers are authorized to walk around with their AR-15 and shotgun (not sure what type). So you’re actually incorrect. They also all have tear gas on them at all times. Lol, Officer Friendly comes into schools with his AR-15 and says hi kids today I’m gonna teach you about safety. 

    that's extremely specific to your town and is not normal for the majority of the country

  3. Sounds like just about every single department but why does BSI is only department that literally start with 200+ armor?

    The Warrant Team and command jobs are the only two with that much, the majority of the department that you encounter has just as much armor as anyone else

  4. +Support

    The argument that it's not realistic to get revived after taking so many shots is false for one thing as it wouldn't take that much to stop a threat irl.  Having this rule provides immunity for criminals, encouraging more unneeded shootouts to get out of things and substracting from real roleplay where consequences exist.  It also kills lots of investigations for some departments as they can't arrive on scene after a crime and investigate because it's ended in a shootout and the suspects can't be charged.

  5. -Support

    First of all, I made a suggestion a lot like this around a year ago when we had about half the departments we have now, and that got shot down because it wasn't needed.  Today it is even less needed. @Heinrich Also, I can see that you have experience and the capability to lead it, but you're new to the server.  You have 16 forum posts, 0 rep, and maybe an hour or two playtime on the server.  You're also arguing a lot with people's opinions and one of the first encounters I had with you involved heavy player disrespect toward FBI.  In terms of first impressions of you as a leader and the department you came up with, I personally do not want to see an argumentative and somewhat disrespectful person with no prior experience on the server leading a kind of pointless department, even if they have real life experience and can make a good looking SOP. (Forrest is more qualified to lead it, but still only has about three months on the server based off of his forum account)

    In conclusion, not needed and clearly not wanted based off of the feedback.

  6. idk man, i dont think it would fit in.  i like how you started making an sop and roster and tried to organize this, which shows great responsibility and leadership skills, but i dont see this fitting in with prp.  the idea is cool, but the kinds of situations you are talking about like 10+ cops dead or 30+ civilians doesnt happen super often and when it does SWAT, CERT, and SRT already all have the training and some resources to deal with it.  what are they gonna do all day when these situations arent ongoing anyway?  i like the ambition, and if this doesnt pass ik exactly how you feel.  a long time ago i suggested adding the us marshals as a department.  made an entire roster, sop, big forum post explaining it, even suggested people (more qualified than me) to command it.  but it just wasnt what the server needed at the time and i think this is the same way.

    so, -support

  7. I made a suggestion involving the addition of US Marshals a really long time ago, but it got instantly shot down by Valk.  Now there's even more departments and divisions than there was at that time which makes me think it is unnecessary, but also think FBI should have more to do and know that if Colesoft is in charge of it itll be good

  8. im back, ik how much all of you missed me


    im a former police cpt, state sgt, and aru member and im gonna come back as a police sm


    left bc i couldnt progress and lost interest, coming back bc i miss all of you and i wanna have fun (just like 'the girls' in the hit 80s song "Girls Just Want To Have Fun" by Cyndi Lauper, but kind of different as i am of the male variety, but not different in a sexist way, boys and girls can have the same kind of fun if they want to)



    Also if someone could remind me how to remove my signature that would be great, the one I have is pretty outdated

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