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Posts posted by StackableGold

  1. 6 hours ago, Will Newel said:


    Decent application, I feel as if your judgment is very good

    Moderative activity. I have seen you on a couple of times in the past week


    Been here for a while

    Only thing I can point out is to get yourself involved with more than just staff. I.E join a department like SWAT or State and converse with more members in Teamspeak. 

    Good luck!




  2. ** unknown support **

    50 warns is a high ammount, perhaps some of the warns are false, but not too certain on that.

    I highly doubt you have a bunch of false warns, but I can't prove if you do or not.

  3. - Support

    Admitted to crashing the server.

    You were interupting people's RP by crashing the server multiple times. I watched as it went down multiple times as well as the staff on duty.


     I heard part of the conversation between you and the two staff members when they brought you to the minge room. At which I never herd them say that they promised they would not ban you and I certainly didn't promise that I wouldn't ban you.

  4. Your In-game: StackableGold

    Your SteamID: STEAM_0:0:130664548
    The player's name in-game: Weeajew
    The player's steam ID (required):  STEAM_0:0:91107641
    What did the player do: Crash the server if not DDosed it multiple times causing people to disconnect. As result making them have  to reconnect. 
    Evidence (REQUIRED): Said so verbally to multiple staff members. Of which are
    What do you believe should happen to the player: 
    Player needs perma ban. The player has already been given a 3 week ban.
    Any extra information:
  5. Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:130664548

    In-Game name: StackableGold

    Server (Policerp, milrp, etc) :  PoliceRP

    CS: GO rank :  S1  (Was S3)

    Will you work with the assigned team: Yes

    Will you be able to attend the event: Yes

  6. 2 hours ago, Jeff M. said:

    Helicopters are on Mil rp it would probably cause to much lag on the server and K9 are for ARU only i am pretty sure 

    Okay, the helicopter part is understandable, but it seems weird that only ARU would get K9s, because it's not like there isn't police with K9s irl.

    Your In-game: SRT SSGT StackableGold 1E49 (AKA StackableGold)
    Your SteamID: STEAM_0:0:130664548
    The player's name in-game: Toxix Man
    The player's steam ID (required):  STEAM_0:0:450644652
    What did the player do: Impersonated staff, Staff Diss (putting the n word in chat), Shooting in sit, Mass RDM, When asked to change their name they didn't, and they LTAPED.
    Evidence (REQUIRED):  These pictures were taken a short time after the event(s) listed above occured.
    (Proof of warns being isued)
    (Proof of failing to change name then of LOGS for MASS RDM, Name Change, and LTAP)
    Link to image collection: https://imgur.com/a/isKTCkQ
    What do you believe should happen to the player: a 10,000+ second minge or even a Ban based on their behavior as all they did was seem to want to minge and not RP. As i don't think I'm able to issue a minge to a offline player.
    Any extra information:
    I warned them for Staff Diss, Mass RDM, Imitating Staff (I should have put Impersonating but I was rushing to issue the warn out of the fear of them disconnecting and Imitating was the first word that came to mind when issuing the warn.), Shooting in a sit, and then a separate warn for LTAP as I was not able to issue a minge before they disconnected. 
  8. + SUPPORT (Warn is false)

    Yeah I accidently warned Vizz whielist trying to grab someone else's steam ID of who attacked him. I clicked on "Copy SteamID" Instead of "Copy Attacker SteamID" 


  9. 33 minutes ago, Gaur said:


    Maybe PRP manager would allow it, but I'd never do it on SWRP.

    Warns are deterrent as everyone knows they are permanent, if they go away then every ones mentality about them changes. We have forgiveness, we allow appeals. If the warn isnt false, own up to your mistake.

    Somone will simply say, "Well idk if i get warned cause it will be gone in 2 months so I can just rack up 20 warns and they'll be gone soon."


  10. 55 minutes ago, soulness said:


    • Active In-Game/TeamSpeak

    • Good Amount of time on the server

    • Low warns 

    Respectful Member of gaminglight 

    Application could use some more work

    In-Active on the Forums 

    No Poll

    Overall you deserve Trail mod, because you are active and Respectful member of gaminglight!


  11. 2 hours ago, Blitzton said:

    Well at this point I feel like the gasser is controversial and most likely not going to happen considering how long it’s been discussed. I always liked the idea of having a SGT + specific rank that combines the breacher and sniper, considering most if not all Supervisors already have access to both. It would make us a tad bit stronger whilst giving lower ranks more encouragement to progress through the ranks with the added convenience. 


    To other existing classes such as breacher, I feel an added charge would make sense in terms of balancing out the 3 fading doors rule, and for snipers as to not leave them in the dust might I throw in the idea as a back line medic role, tending to those who made it out of the situation in a poor condition. If you want me to go into more detail as to why I feel these changes would be balanced I would be happy too. Just in class right now and can’t type a whole essay.


    Yeah I was about to say where's the gasser at, but a medic role would also be nice.

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