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Posts posted by StackableGold

  1. Noted, Hope you get feeling better, If you need your LOA Exnteded please contact a command member! 

    I Put your LOA to the 15th

  2. In-game Name: StackableGold

    SteamID: STEAM_0:0:130664548

    Rank: LT

    Length of LOA (Provide Dates):  11/21/2019 - 11/30/2019

    Reason (If private then put N/A): NCYC + Thanks Giving

  3. No, I didn't approve this, Don't leave.


    In all seriousness, I wish you best of luck with school Sion. Hope to see you around.

    P.S. It's Not gonna be the same.

  4. Name: (In-game name) StackableGold (AKA Stack)

    Rank: (rank inside FR, NOT EMS or FD) LFR

    How active are you: (Activity approximated, Active, Semi Active, or Inactive; Put reason if Inactive/Semi and be honest we will check. If you have been inactive put it and we will give you a chance to become more active!) I would still consider my self Semi despite being on the last few days, however your guys opinion really. When I get on I have to make a choice Between getting on SRT that day or FR; especially since there's a likely chance I'll be on staff which eats my free time up. I also have been focusing on school work and i'm glad to report I'm doing a lot better compared to last school year.

    Why should you remain a part of First Response: (At least 30 Words) 
             Why should I or why do I want to remain part of FR? Starting an answer to a question with a question, lol. Anyways, I'd like to remain part of FR as it gives me something else to do besides being on SRT all the time(Nothing against SRT, I ❤️ SRT, but sometimes nothing happens and it does get boaring after a while),  and among verious other things it allows me to help out when there is tons of deaths happening on the server

    What changes would you like to see: (Anything)

    Eh well this hasn't been much of a problem recently as I havent seen anyone die in mountains, but perhaps an outpost?

  5. In-Game Name: StackableGold

    Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:130664548

    Rank: LT

    Length of LOA (Time must be Specified): 9/29/2019 - 10/04/2019

    Reason for LOA (if private that is fine):  Private

  6. In-Game Name: StackableGold

    Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:130664548

    Rank: LT

    Length of LOA (Time must be Specified): 8/31/19 - 9/4/2019

    Reason for LOA (if private that is fine): Spending time with family.

  7. Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:130664548

    Rank: 2LT

    Length of LOA (Time must be Specified): Aug 3 (Today) - Aug 6th

    Reason for LOA (if private that is fine):  I got surprised with a trip.

  8. In-game Name: StackableGold

    SteamID: STEAM_0:0:130664548

    Rank: CSM

    Length of LOA (Provide Dates): Today (7/5/2019) - 7/8/2019

    Reason (If private then put N/A): N/A

  9. + Support

    Clear evidence that Nick knew they was cloaked before they even started to base. It only takes ruffly 10 seconds to switch on, uncloak, and switch back, I understand accidents happen, but in this case this wasn't an accidents.

    Also lying about not knowing that you were cloaked is unacceptable. Source: v

    14 minutes ago, Zage said:

     lying is not helping I was there when you were saying that in chat and there was a big time span between you saying you were you were cloaked and yobo raiding

    you even said I will uncloak AFTER my money silo


    A lesson to be learned from this is perhaps adding something in that auto-uncloaks staff when they switch off.

  10. Your in game name: StackableGold

    Your Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:130664548

    The player's in game name: Alton

    The player's steam ID (required): STEAM_0:1:120533979

    What did the player do: Killed EMS/EMT

    Evidence (required):


         ___ _ _ _       _        __                 
        / __(_) | |_   _( )__    / /  ___   __ _ ___ 
       /__\// | | | | | |/ __|  / /  / _ \ / _` / __|
      / \/  \ | | | |_| |\__ \ / /__| (_) | (_| \__ \
      \_____/_|_|_|\__, ||___/ \____/\___/ \__, |___/
                   |___/                   |___/     
    [                                                  ]
    [                Evidence Box Export               ]
    [                                                  ]
    [ Date:                 Sun 06/30/2019 03:43:24 PM ]
    [ Exported by: StackableGold (STEAM_0:0:130664548) ]
    [                                                  ]
    [                 Involved Players                 ]
    [                                                  ]
    [ DD SGT ligist                STEAM_0:0:140212035 ]
    [ SX ViperKing                 STEAM_0:1:157110347 ]
    [ COL Alton 1L72               STEAM_0:1:120533979 ]
    [                                                  ]
    [ Category / Module / ID / Timestamp / Log ]
    [Player Events] [Pickups]        [828169] [Sun 06/30/2019 03:16:39 PM] COL Alton 1L72 ➞  senmod picked up weapon tfa_csgo_awp
    [General]       [Chat]           [828603] [Sun 06/30/2019 03:18:45 PM] COL Alton 1L72 ➞  senmod: [OOC] he arrived at a scene and wasnt responding, so i blew up us ambulance to try to wake him up
    [General]       [Chat]           [828610] [Sun 06/30/2019 03:18:50 PM] COL Alton 1L72 ➞  senmod: [OOC] but it killed him
    [General]       [Chat]           [828659] [Sun 06/30/2019 03:19:05 PM] COL Alton 1L72 ➞  senmod: [OOC] However the second he died, suddenly he wasn't ask 
    [General]       [Chat]           [828662] [Sun 06/30/2019 03:19:08 PM] COL Alton 1L72 ➞  senmod: [OOC] afk
    [ULX]           [Commands]       [828939] [Sun 06/30/2019 03:21:00 PM] COL Alton 1L72 ➞  senmod: ulx asay est
    [DarkRP]        [Commands]       [829315] [Sun 06/30/2019 03:24:11 PM] COL Alton 1L72 ➞  senmod: /colonel 
    [PvP]           [Deaths]         [829314] [Sun 06/30/2019 03:24:11 PM] COL Alton 1L72 ➞  senmod was silently killed
    [DarkRP]        [Job Changes]    [829313] [Sun 06/30/2019 03:24:11 PM] COL Alton 1L72 ➞  senmod changed job from "Unknown" ("Unknown") to Police Colonel
    [DarkRP]        [RPName Changes] [829319] [Sun 06/30/2019 03:24:17 PM] COL Alton 1L72 ➞  senmod changed their RP name from Alton Boi to COL Alton 1L72
    [Player Events] [Respawns]       [829318] [Sun 06/30/2019 03:24:17 PM] COL Alton 1L72 ➞  senmod respawned
    [Sandbox]       [Vehicles]       [829378] [Sun 06/30/2019 03:24:42 PM] COL Alton 1L72 ➞  senmod spawned vehicle MISSING DATA
    [Sandbox]       [Props]          [829379] [Sun 06/30/2019 03:24:49 PM] COL Alton 1L72 ➞  senmod spawned prop Dodge Charger 2015 Undercover (Emergency Vehicles)
    [DarkRP]        [Commands]       [829566] [Sun 06/30/2019 03:27:46 PM] COL Alton 1L72 ➞  senmod: /administration 
    [PvP]           [Deaths]         [829565] [Sun 06/30/2019 03:27:46 PM] COL Alton 1L72 ➞  senmod was silently killed
    [DarkRP]        [Job Changes]    [829564] [Sun 06/30/2019 03:27:46 PM] COL Alton 1L72 ➞  senmod changed job from "Unknown" ("Unknown") to Administration
    [Player Events] [Respawns]       [829568] [Sun 06/30/2019 03:27:48 PM] COL Alton 1L72 ➞  senmod respawned
    [General]       [Chat]           [829574] [Sun 06/30/2019 03:27:55 PM] COL Alton 1L72 ➞  senmod: !cloak
    [Player Events] [Disconnections] [829676] [Sun 06/30/2019 03:29:32 PM] COL Alton 1L72 ➞  senmod disconnected (Disconnect by user)




    What do you believe should happen to the player: Just a Warnning. There's no excuse to kill or shoot EMS, especially as staff. (NO LOOPHOLES!)

    Any extra information: Was about to bring @Alton To get his side when he disconnected from the server. 

    Include: @[GL] Greg and Roger. 

    Attached File is a copy of the chat log.

    Alton Chat Log.txt

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