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Showing content with the highest reputation on 07/03/2024 in all areas

  1. Management stopped development, that was probably the last straw for the server.
    1 point
  2. Accepted Contact a Major or above for officer training.
    1 point
  3. Hey guy I’m wondering how you guys like my gov work in the server my in game name is nick ham and I was curious if I am doing a good job on it because I have not been able to read what people think about me when I’m talking to them so please share any thoughts about improvements or if you think I am good
    1 point
  4. that means a lot coming from you scor thanks
    1 point
  5. Gaminglight ImperialRP MOTD To request help, contact a staff member in-game by typing "/report", please wait patiently for a staff member to assist you. Staff members have final say in situations. Reports on unsatisfactory staff performance can be resolved in our staff reports section. Loop holing is not allowed for any rules. The rules are server guidelines and are to be followed as written. No exceptions. Child Exploitation Zero Tolerance Policy: Our community enforces a strict zero-tolerance policy towards any form of pedophilia, child exploitation, or grooming. Any individual found engaging in, promoting, or supporting such activities will be immediately blacklisted and banned from our platforms. Reporting Suspicious Behavior: All members are encouraged to promptly report any suspicious behavior, content, or conversations related to pedophilia or child exploitation. Reports will be taken seriously and investigated thoroughly. Consequences of Violation: If an individual is found to have engaged in actions related to pedophilia, they will be blacklisted and permanently banned from our platform without the possibility of appeal. Furthermore, any relevant information may be reported to the appropriate legal authorities. Ensuring a Safe Environment: We are committed to maintaining a safe and inclusive environment for all members. As such, we will continue to monitor and enforce these rules and regularly review and update them as needed. Educating Members: Our community will provide resources and educational materials to raise awareness about the dangers of pedophilia and child exploitation in order to empower our members to identify and report potential threats. Collaborative Effort: The safety and well-being of our members, particularly minors, is a shared responsibility. We encourage all members to actively participate in maintaining a safe community by adhering to these rules and reporting any violations they may witness. REPORT CHILD SEXUAL ABUSE https://forms.clickup.com/1261637/f/16g25-4587/CHULVC8YJQ3LPUWQDE 1. General Rules: To speak in the OOC (out of character) chat say "// <message" or "/ooc <message". Do not kill without reason (RDM). Do not arrest without reason (RDA), when arresting you must say "/advert RFA: <reason>". Do not FailRP, this means that you should not perform anything unrealistic or out of character. Do not metagame, his means that you should not use any out of character influences to affect role play. Do not microphone/chat spam. Do not harass/disrespect other players or admins - do not walk up to staff in-game while on their roleplaying jobs and ask for staff assistance. No staff or player may harass another person. No offensive roleplay names or anything that is close to an offensive word in your name. Do not self-promote. Don't shoot another trooper. Do not try to get yourself whitelisted to jobs you have not donated/have been trained for. "/advert" and "/comms" is to be used for RP reasons only. To change your name, say "/name (Name)". Don't use stupid or unrealistic RP name. No matter what rank you are or what job you are on if you are being chased by shock or have an AOS/KOS on you and you start to go on a rampage and just kill everyone you see then you will be punished for MRDM. Attempting to exploit a system within the server, for example item duplication and/or level/money boosting, will result in a warn and ban. 2. Flying Rules Do not land or fly out of the Star Destroyer without Imperial Navy's permissions. If no Imperial Navy is online, the highest ranking then takes the requests. Do not fly around without a valid reason. You must not use a ship if you don't have permission. 3. RP Rules You must always listen to your high-ups. Do not riot or revolt. You must always address people by their RP Names. Officers have the final say in all scenarios. Never ask for a promotion. You must salute 2LT and up. You always salute the highest rank in the room. Address all SGT+ by 'Sir' out of respect. PTS is permission to speak. It is always active when you are in a formation or debrief. Never break PTS. The highest ranking in any briefing can call PTS. Commander+ or equivalent can break PTS, but only with a valid reason. Vice Commander+, Shock Security, Naval, and Inquisitor Command may call AOS on a subject. Shock Security may arrest anyone on the ship with a valid reason. 4. Inquisitor Rules Inquisitors takes priority in lightsaber fights/duels. Troopers should not fire when an Inquisitor is in combat. AFK Meditating is allowed. 5. Donator Droid Rules You may NOT speak as a droid. R2 Units are made for ships and repairing R4 Units are made for carrying information manually from point A to point B 6. Bounty Hunter Rules May only accept one bounty every 10 minutes - 30 minutes for a hit on the same person. Must advert "Hit accepted" or "Hit completed" whenever accepting/completing a hit, it cannot be both in one advert. May only kill someone when you have a hit on them. Do not do any hits when the target is doing try-outs/PT. You cannot kill any official lore characters. Jetpacks will only be used during defcon 4 or lower. If you die during your hit, you must wait 30 minutes before accepting another one. You cannot accept any hits on any event Characters. You cannot take any hits during an event. You are clearance level 3. 7. Custom Class Rules You are clearance level 3. You are not allowed to use command titles within your RP name, such as Grand Admiral, General, etc... You are not above the law, follow all ships rules like you normally would. If you are a trooper, you take orders from trooper command. If you are an Inquisitor, you take orders from Inquisitorious Command. In order to become a part of a regiment or branch you must get permission from the Manager. Don't overrule and overtake regimental positions or classes. You can only use your jetpack at Defcon 4 and below. You are not a part of your own militia, work with the other troopers on the ship. Classes that have vehicles can only spawn them once given the permission from the Gamemaster hosting the event. 8. Prisoner Jobs Rules There is a 2-minute cool down in between attacking security officers after death. You must advert "Prison break" when attempting to break out of prison. You are to remain at the brig at all times unless being escorted by security forces or has successfully broken out with /advert. There is a 20-minute cooldown between prison breaks. Prisoners are KOS with any weapon out. 9. Citizens and Criminals Tuskens can attack anyone but not in the town, Tuskens are not permitted to kill one another. Criminals may mug other players, but must "/advert Mug", max amount to mug is 10,000 GC - if the victim doesn't drop the money in 10 seconds, they can be killed. The cooldown is 20 minutes, you cannot mug players with a gun openly equipped. All criminals can attack and open fire on Imperial personnel for no reason, but with a cooldown on 15 minutes. Criminals are allowed to raid the Imperial outpost and/or the Star Destroyer (through the transport), but with a cooldown of 20 minutes, any action that indicates a raid will count (like hacking the door). Citizens cannot be hostile or attack others, unless for self-defence. Troopers are allowed to arrest/detain any criminals that have displayed a firearm. The caves are under Imperial territory, any trespassers are AOS/KOS. Dune Crawlers are always hostile and can attack anyone, however, they cannot enter the town. Dune Crawlers can be killed at any time. Imperial personnel are not allowed to use or equip Black-market items; they may be punished in RP for contraband. Imperial personnel are not allowed to use or consume illegal drugs; they may be punished in RP for contraband. Any criminals on Imperial territory that have no weapons equipped are AOS after being warned to leave. Troopers cannot attack criminals unless they are hostile towards them. If a criminal opens fire on a trooper, that suspect is an automatic KOS, troopers should not attempt to arrest them. Dune Crawlers are not allowed to raid the ISD, however, they are still allowed to attack the outpost. Once you die, you cannot act upon the reason for your death. For example, you cannot immediately kill the player that killed you in your previous life. This is also known as the 'New Life Rule' or 'NLR' rule. Imperial players cannot return to an active supply crate robbery/data raid/credit crate robbery after dying until waiting 2 minutes. If the whole Empire is notified of criminal trespassers and they are not initiating these mentioned raids, NLR does not apply. Criminals are not permitted to interrupt an event, unless granted permission by the Gamemaster hosting the event at the that time. Tank Troopers must advert when they are starting a delivery mission Criminals must advert when they raid the Imperial outpost and when they die from it, with the time stamp, for example: "/advert Raid 16:35" and "Raid End 16:45" The Canyon located in Lothal Outskirts is under Imperial territory, any trespassers are AOS after being warned to leave.
    1 point
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