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Showing content with the highest reputation on 07/01/2024 in all areas

  1. What is your in-game name? Shock ERU MSGT Piittue SK234 What is your current rank? MSGT How long have you been in Shock? I'd say about a month maybe 2 hard to tell How much time do you have on the server? 3 days of playtime Why do you feel that you deserve the position of officer? As an NCO I've helped many people with their problems for a while. I'm personally shooting for Vice Lead of ERU, so I can help more people by, training more ERU to help them and deal with their problems, and promoting people who deserve it, because I've been seeing so many Shock Troops do great jobs in the week, for quota and events that being said I see them getting glossed over for their wonderful work, as an officer I can promote said hard working troops for their effort and contribution to the whole ISD Consilio. That is why I want to become an officer Why do you feel you can be trusted to hold this position? During both the active summer months and throughout the school year, I am consistently energetic and dedicated. This allows me to consistently fulfill weekly quotas and make significant contributions to the ISD Consilio Shock battalion. Whether it's training more troops, or participating in events, I bring a strong work ethic to all that I do. This perseverance and commitment are qualities I am eager to bring to the team, enhancing our collective efforts and supporting the success of our shared goals. If chosen, what can you add to the battalion that other applicants can't? With my unwavering availability, I possess the ability to adeptly do critical tasks that others may find daunting, including tryouts, certifications, and simulations. This will undoubtedly contribute to heightened engagement within the Shock Battalion. How active can you be? all-day "every day" during the summer but during the school year 5 hours Who Are the 2 Maj+ That Gave Permission? Commander Antonoff, Vice Commander blue
    1 point
  2. 1 point
  3. +Support Very calm under annoying/stressful situations Can take command at anytime with no issues Very good at making quick and efficient decisions Has extensive command experience making him a good fit for the role Chill all around with any player Active on server
    1 point
  4. +support Ganta is active Ganta has been very helpful especially questions about rules and etc. This man knows and has an answer to everything. Ganta has always dealt with problems like a minge and rulebreakers Ganta has never dissapointed once Ganta has always took note of both criminals and government, he is really unbiased when it comes to stuff which is something really needed with such a high position
    1 point
  5. Keep this shit to + / - Supports don't turn this into an argument any new replies that seem to be an argument. The User in question will gain warning points from forum diplomats
    1 point
  6. My explanation I gave many times to at least 3 UMC people were "he adverted assist somewhere near spawn with no line of sight of me and drove over to where I was at after he adverted assist. After he drove over to me he started shooting at me for no reason since he wouldnt have known who I was shooting at". Also to add on, that picture shows nothing (edited comment: whenever I was talking to you about the situation and the warn I was giving you, you lied to me about being able to see me with "suit zoom" through the end of the tunnel https://medal.tv/games/garrys-mod/clips/iaYgXS7v7RPoNJc1o/d1337kt0rGxn?invite=cr-MSw0eXcsNTg1MDU1MzUs
    1 point
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