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Miricle's Officer Application


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What is your in-game name?



What is your current rank?



How long have you been in Shock?

For this current run of shock i have been in shock for approx. a month, but I served as shock all throuought 2020, so I have lots of experience as shock.


How much time do you have on the server?

I have 5 weeks as per the Tab menu, but I started playing GL's Imperial RP back in febuary or january of 2020, and started being part of shock around the same time. I stopped playing as much in 2021 and 2022, and started playing again in march of 2023, which is when I joined shock. 


Why do you feel that you deserve the position of officer?

I have been in shock for a long time and throughout that time I have served shock with passion and dignity. I am as serious as possible when the situation is needed, and do not abuse power. I do not get angry easily and value feedback in my work as feedback allows me to improve what I do and how I operate shock. I do tryouts when available, and always hold myself to the highest standard possible. I make sure I am always putting my duties as a shock trooper over my own enjoyment on the server and in shock, and make sure I always am following orders and defcon procedures, and if no orders are currently active, am keeping the ship running smoothly by patrolling regularly, and making sure bridge check point and brig are guarded. If not enough people are on to keep both guarded I have DT guard one while I guard the other.


Why do you feel you can be trusted to hold this position?

I have previous officer experience as a Senior Guard and shadow guard of royal guard back in 2020, and have been officers and high command on other servers throughout 2021 and 2022. As mentioned above I do not get angry easily, and value feedback from others in what I do and how I operate both myself as a shock trooper and how I operate those under my command. I make sure those under my command are on duty, and correct those that aren't on duty. I make sure shock is running smoothly, although I try not to be to strict with my RP and supervision of others if we are not in an active event or battle situation and are instead in between events so that the troopers under my command have at least some fun, and are not just stuck in one place following orders like a mindless zombie.


If chosen, what can you add to the battalion that other applicants can't?

I can make sure the new people in shock are doing well, and can make sure the NCO's are keeping up with quota. I can host trainings like stun gun trainings to make sure shock members are familiar with how the stun e-11 works, restraint trainings, so shock troopers are able to restrain someone on the run with things like the aforementioned elastic restraints and shooting their target with the stun e-11 before restraining them, arrest baton training so shock troopers know the ins and outs of the arrest baton and can accurately use the arrest baton without accidentally arresting someone. I want to focus on the basics as I feel there is lots of room for improvement in the activities I mentioned above, and often the basics are left untouched when doing trainings. I also feel that newer troopers should get familiar with the ISD Consillio, as being familiar with its layout and where people resisting arrest can go to lose the shock trooper that is chasing them.


How active can you be?

I can be on every day (with exceptions every now and then due to school, although those exceptions are few and far between)
Who Are the 2 Maj+ That Gave Permission?
VCMDR Kami (before resignation)
VCMDR Starch

Edited by 1tsAM1r1cle
adding more info to application

Shock Vice Commander Miricle | Former IF Squad
(also very first one to pass Shock's SSTF tryouts back in the day)

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8 hours ago, PopoMyNamo said:

While you are a great person and proven yourself countless times this application is not long enough for me to make a decision if you work and improve on your application I'll change to +support otherwise it will stay negative support


Retired - IC Vice Commander 1207 Sev 

Retired - ImperialRP Staff Member | Senior Moderator/Admin | Gamemaster V

 Pyke Enforcer ESR Alpha ISB:IA Senior Operative Alpha SF OVL Senior Aviation Officer Rexler Brath | Death Trooper SGT AA0 | IC SSL DMS LTCOL 6654 Alpha | IC CSVL 4060 Gren | Purge LTCOL | Inferno Squad Head Agent | IC OSVL 8015 Fi | 501st ARCLT 2LT ST SCTS 2LT | Medical Research Supervisor 2LT Havoc MSGT | Shock HVYO 1LT | 31st SFC | Nova CSM 

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On 4/20/2023 at 3:51 PM, PopoMyNamo said:

Thanks for fixing the Application it looks way better
You are a great person and this application shows that you are dedicated.



I would also like to add that I have only ever experienced positive interactions and have seen some officer-like qualities from Miricle, such as but not limited to professionalism and decent activity, I would also just like to say that he is a nice person to be around in my experience. So I am also +Support.

Former Shock EJT Lead | Former Shock CPT | Former Shock HVAL | Former Naval CMO | Former Naval LT. Commander | Former Naval SSO | Former ISB Operative | Former DT WO MY5 | Former Senior Moderator | Former MC SPC 1983 |

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On 4/20/2023 at 3:51 PM, PopoMyNamo said:

Thanks for fixing the Application it looks way better
You are a great person and this application shows that you are dedicated.




On 4/21/2023 at 6:28 PM, Mayluron said:

I would also like to add that I have only ever experienced positive interactions and have seen some officer-like qualities from Miricle, such as but not limited to professionalism and decent activity, I would also just like to say that he is a nice person to be around in my experience. So I am also +Support.


Ex-Imperial Commando Vice Commander Δ 1140 Fixer (x2)
Co-Creator of the Imperial Commando Hazard Control Division
Former Blacklisted Member!!! (for like 2 hours cause beckett a goat frfr)

Former: First EVER IC Hazard Supervisor | IC Ω OSLD HS Colonel 1309 Niner (x2) Last EVER IC Demo LeadIC CST MaroonISB: IA Junior Operative ISB11 | Shock HVYAL LTCOL SK277 | Inferno Squad Agent IF27 | 69th RCCS 1LT 2711 Nova  SSGT | 501st HVY SGT 2770

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On 4/20/2023 at 4:51 PM, PopoMyNamo said:

Thanks for fixing the Application it looks way better
You are a great person and this application shows that you are dedicated.



Current: Senior Security Officer | Naval Ensign |
Former: Naval Lieutenant | DT CPL AA3 | Moderator | Gamemaster

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