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Pablo's RnD Application


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In-game Name:






What division do you want to join (Military or R&D):


How would you rank your knowledge of the lore? 


Why should you be in Chaos Insurgency? (75 word minimum)


Hey there! Yo, I'm pumped to apply for a sweet spot in the RnD crew. I've been hanging around in this community for a quite the time soon, and let me tell ya, the SCP universe and its different factions have seriously caught my attention. I'm all about exploring new ideas and concepts, always curious to find out what's lurking in the unknown. And that's why I'm stoked to join the Research and Development team. I'm no stranger to scientific principles and love getting lost in the endless possibilities of what we can discover. Plus, I'm pretty creative, so coming up with new strategies and ideas is totally my jam. But let's not forget, I'm also a hardworking team player. I know that research is all about collaboration, so I'm ready to put in the hustle to help the department succeed. And I'm always down to learn and take feedback so that I can improve my skills even more.So, what do ya say? If you give me the chance to join the Research and Development team of the Chaos Insurgency, I'm pretty confident I can help take the crew to new heights.

Thanks for considering my application.

What is something that sets you apart from other applicants?

Well some stuff are, my timezone, How i think, my level of activity, and my dedication to the branch and how i do stuff.

How active can you be?

5-7 Hours if i dont have something important to do

Do you have both Teamspeak and Discord:


Current: |{Clan} U.I.U Junor Agent|Lead Researcher| 

Former/Retired: Research Assistant Manager-SCP-RP: Senior Moderator 


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Join the Discord, then go to #member-self-roles. Click on the far right reaction for the "Requesting CI Tags" role.  

Go into #Requesting-FTO and follow the format and you will get an FTO as soon as possible to train you.

If you need any more help contact me in-game or on discord Laki#8267 
Thank you for applying.

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