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Keltor Support team application


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In-Game Name:
Keltor when staff and when on criminal, or Sanchez when on Government job.

Steam Name:
[GL] Keltor


What is your discord username (Ex: Bon#1922):

What is your staff rank in Gaminglight?
Senior Moderator

How often are you on TeamSpeak?
Whenever I am on the server or at work when there is a meeting for a department, I use my phone to connect to TeamSpeak.

How often do you use Discord?
Every day I am on discord. when I am on the server, when I am home, on my phone at work I constantly check throughout the day for new messages on discord when I can and am not too busy at work to see what's going on.

Why would you like to be a member of the Support Team? (150 word minimum)?
I would like to be a member of your support team to help others that might have questions or problems that need to be fixed so it can be resolved so they can get back to playing on gaminglight servers having fun. I want to take the next step to moving forward to moving up ranks on my server and helping out to be a better asset to gaminglight. I am very active and dedicated to not only doing my job properly but also being professional at all times. If there ever is a task, I am not sure of, my instinct is to ask someone with more experience to make sure mistakes are avoided at all costs and the person asking for help is getting the greatest value of assistance possible. Then to ask the more experienced member advice of how I could have done or handled it better so next time I have the knowledge to correctly handle the situation.

Why should we trust you to become a member of the Support Team?
You should trust me to be a member of your support team because I have experience with being staff not just from gaming light but from other servers and helping ppl with their problems. I am responsible and take my duties seriously.

How would you greet someone that has a problem in one of our tickets, or support channels?
Hello, I am Keltor of the support team, how can I help you today. Or Hello I am Keltor and I am with the support team. What seems to be the problem today that I can help you with.

Edited by Keltor
small typo

SL Keltor, Gov Sanchez



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19 hours ago, Keltor said:

get back to playing on gaminglight servers having fun.

this is so real

Active, Seen you around



Senior Admin/Forums dip/Support Supervisor | former the following: HTF/E4 Head | Only Anubis award winner | Former Nu7 HFTO and CI OFTO | Sec MSGT+Pertinax

Owns: Omi-9 'Last Remnants' | Farmer Tucker | Farmer Darius XIIReznov Klushie | Foxx       On:  Alpha-8 |  S.T.A.R.SIota-13 'Luxxy's Soldiers' 


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Please speak to a Support Supervisor or the Head of Support within 72 hours in TeamSpeak to get started!
If you have any questions, please message #Bon1922 to determine next steps.

Emperor Palpatine

| Ex. Shock Commander | Ex. Storm Trooper Captain | Ex. Nova Lieutenant-Colonel


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