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Tank Trooper Battalion Feb 2023 Update [Accepted] [In Progress] [Completed]


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Battalion Name: Tank Troopers

Job/Class Name: Tank Trooper CMDR

Weapon Kit: 

- Current loadout: e-11t, Hunter Shotgun, T-21, se-41r, smart launcher, deployable shield

- Add: Fusion Cutter, fortification tablet

- Remove: NA

Reason for change (do you think that said weapons is suitable for the job and is fair considering current loadouts of other battalions?):
Yes, because we are second in line for the engineering priority and have no ability to do our engineering jobs/ use to repair our vehicles. The Fortification tablet will allow us to set up more defenses in the base when we are under attack and set up checkpoints in tat when needed.

Job/Class Name: Tank Trooper VCMDR

Weapon Kit: 

- Current loadout: e-11t, Hunter Shotgun, T-21, se-41r, smart launcher, deployable shield

- Add: Fusion Cutter, fortification tablet

- Remove: NA

Reason for change (do you think that said weapons is suitable for the job and is fair considering current loadouts of other battalions?):
Yes, because we are second in line for the engineering priority and have no ability to do our engineering jobs/ use to repair our vehicles. The Fortification tablet will allow us to set up more defenses in the base when we are under attack and set up checkpoints in tat when needed.

Job/Class Name: Tank Trooper Officer

Weapon Kit: 

- Current loadout: E-11t, Hunter Shotgun, T-21, se-41r, smart launcher, deployable shield

- Add: Fusion Cutter, fortification tablet

- Remove: NA

Reason for change (do you think that said weapons is suitable for the job and is fair considering current loadouts of other battalions?):
Yes, because we are second in line for the engineering priority and have no ability to do our engineering jobs/ use to repair our vehicles. The Fortification tablet will allow us to set up more defenses in the base when we are under attack and set up checkpoints in tat when needed.

Job/Class Name: Tank Trooper NCO

Weapon Kit: 

- Current loadout: e-11t, Hunter Shotgun, T-21, se-41r, deployable shield

- Add: Fusion Cutter, fortification tablet

- Remove: NA

Reason for change (do you think that said weapons is suitable for the job and is fair considering current loadouts of other battalions?):
Yes, because we are second in line for the engineering priority and have no ability to do our engineering jobs/ use to repair our vehicles. The Fortification tablet will allow us to set up more defenses in the base when we are under attack and set up checkpoints in tat when needed.

Job/Class Name: Tank Trooper Enlisted

Weapon Kit: 

- Current loadout: e-11t, Hunter Shotgun, se-41r

- Add: Fusion Cutter, fortification tablet

- Remove: NA

Reason for change (do you think that said weapons is suitable for the job and is fair considering current loadouts of other battalions?):
Yes, because we are second in line for the engineering priority and have no ability to do our engineering jobs/ use to repair our vehicles. The Fortification tablet will allow us to set up more defenses in the base when we are under attack and set up checkpoints in tat when needed.

Do you believe these changes are fair to the battalion/job role it is responsible for and will benefit the server, if so, why?:
Yes, this will benefit the battalion/ server because it will add another battalion that can perform engineering duties and add for more passive RP throughout the ship. It also gives the tank troopers the ability to repair our damaged tanks/other Vehicles after an attack.

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  Current: None
R. Right Hand R. COL Tank
Ex. Genral, Ex. First Ever Tank CMDR, EX. 3RD Ever Gov. Ex. Senior CMDR
Ex. Storm Trooper VCMDR / Ex. Shore LD / Ex. Scout Captain / Ex. STRM Commando Captain

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Yes, the tank troopers need more engineering stuff! They drive tanks for gods sakes! and
Havoc 2. ME WANT NOW!

Former: Havoc LTCOL And  EODVL. (02/05/2021-27/01/2022)

EX Medical Vice Commander! (27/01/2022-06/09/2023)

(OOC) Havoc EODS SGM Kavis 4269: /advert Havoc Claims The Emperor, Vader and The IQ. — 08/05/2021

 Emperor Bon is mine ; )

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Would greatly help with the removal of engineer they need something to repair the ranks and transports and could even encourage passive engineer rp

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Sadly I've been removed from HCOM and Staff for saying my opinions about the recent issues that the community has been vocal about with Zeeptin and Beckett saying they will go to other people instead because our opinions are bad, sadly it took me to get removed for them to listen same thing happened before and I'm the latest love all of you and its sad to see it go like this. Sadly us hcom dont do enough for free sorry we did not do enough for you mr.zeeptin. 

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