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Anomaly's SGM Application- Accepted


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In-game name: Anomaly

SteamID: STEAM_0:1:11475939

Current RP rank on StarWarsRP: I am a 1SG in Death Troopers and a Lord I in IQ.

How long have you been Gamemaster: I have been a gamemaster since May 10th. 

Have you received any strikes (please give reasons if applicable): No

How much time do you have on the server?: I have been on the server for about 3 months give or take. 

How well do you know the LORE? I am very well versed in star wars lore including Legends and EU. 

Why do you WANT to become a Senior Gamemaster?: I want to become a Senior Gamemaster because I want to continue doing events and helping the server grow. Throughout my time I have found that I very much enjoy the server and it's people. As a GM and as a recent addition to the staff team I want to continue making the server a better place and a fun environment for everyone. Sims, Tryouts, and events of all kinds are always a fun thing for me to host and I love to stretch my creative wisdom and try new things. To be a gamemaster of any rank is, in my opinion, one of the most important positions on the server as without GM's there would be no events, no SIM's and nothing to do. The server would get boring and die very quickly. Another reason I want to be a Senior Gamemaster is because I enjoy helping people. Being a SGM will allow me to continue doing so and helping more people in the server. I can assist in any way needed by higher up's such as roster updates, trainings, changes of any kind, or anything else. I always like to challenge myself and go for the extra mile and I feel this is another step for me. I am a determined and hard working individual who wants to help the server and the GM team grow and flourish. 

Why should you be trusted to be a Senior Game Master?: I think I should be trusted as I am a very trustworthy and overall kind person. I never overstep my boundaries with the COC or with the types of events I can or should do and always defer to a higher up if I am unsure about a situation. I am not a very rude or power hungry person in my eyes. As a person while I am determined to do good and exceed I am not one to pretend I can do no wrong and am a very accountable and respectful person. If a mistake is made on my part I feel it best to own up to it and learn from it as that is how you as a person grow. I am very open to feedback and constructive criticism as it helps me grow as a person and my events. I am also a member of the GL staff team and will continue to attempt to excel at that as well. I am a very understanding and friendly person and I like to think I am easy to talk to. If a member of the GM team has an issue I want to help them work through it. If someone makes a mistake it is often times much more beneficial not just to them but to the team as a whole to gently teach them then to simply get mad and yell at them. Overall I think these qualities are what make me a good candidate for a Senior Gamemaster. 

Have you mastered ULX?: Yes though in my eyes there is always something new to learn

Are you experienced with planning Mega Events?: On this server I have only done 2 mega events since becoming a Tick V but I plan on continuing to do more and more of these events. A ways back on other servers I would do very large events and over arching stories which is something I plan on porting over to here as I continue to rank up in the GM team. I think I am very familiar with planning and hosting Mega Events due to past experience and having helped other higher ranking GM's in the past. 

Give an example of a mega event: 

"The search for Master Typhon"


x1 Jedi Master Typhon (Donator T2)

x4 Rebel Commandos/Civs (Any event rebel job)

x1 Jedi Padawan (Donator T2)


Part 1: The ISD will receive an ISB agent who will brief HC and IQ on the fact that one of the Inquisitions probe droids has discovered the location of one of the surviving Jedi master's and his Padawan. The Jedi is helping to build a rebel cell in the area and local garrison forces are becoming unable to prevent their attacks. The ISD will be dispatched to the planet to bring the planet back under Imperial Control. Secondarily IQ will find and kill or capture the Jedi. After briefing HC the rest of the ship will be called to a Briefing where they will be informed of the situation. A GC will be chosen (Preferably an IQ member) and then the troopers will load onto the transports. The map will then switch to rp_mons_glaciacrimson. After landing the troops will form into battalion lines. Admins would set spawns and create a jail cell for the event. While the event is set up the troopers will receive battalion assignments as well as limitations on what can and can't be used. When it is time to move out the troopers will all head down the slope while IQ and Purge are flown by SF to where the Jedi should be located. From here on the event is split in half, IQ and Purge will have to contend with many tricks and tests of the force to get to the Jedi while the main army battalions must subdue the regular rebel forces and destroy their base. During the battle IQ and Purge will engage the Jedi master who will eventually escape however they will succeed in capturing the Padawan and the holocron the Master carries. The rebels will renew their assault and the troops must hold thier position until IQ and Purge arrive with the jedi and evacuate the prisoner. Once that is done the map will switch back to the ISD.

Part 2: Back on board the ISD IQ and Purge will take the Jedi into brig where he will be interrogated on the location of his master and forced to open the holocron which will prove to be stubborn. Meanwhile Rebel forces will suddenly launch a counter attack on the ISD and attempt to free the Jedi. They will attack critical systems and the brig multiple times to try and free the Jedi. If they are able to defeat the IQ they can free the Jedi and escape however unlikely that may be. They will continue to attack for some time before finally the fleet is fully destroyed. By then the Interrogation should be over and the IQ can decide how to deal with the Padawan and the unlocked information which is a list of Force Sensitive children and Jedi artifacts hidden. They will also gain the location of the Master and in a future event will go to deal with him. After we switch back to Defcon 5 a Public DB will be held with HC and it will be explained that we will likely face the Jedi Master again. 

Event Notes: Rebels will have unlimited lives however both jedi will have one life each and will be buddhad. After the first stage of the event the Jedi Master can switch to a Rebel Job if they want to continue acting.


ISB Agent/Primary GM- Anomaly
Inform Naval and HC about the event and lead initial Briefing. Manages all actors and GM Activity throughout the event.

Backup GM/NPC Spawner- TBD

Actor Manager- TBD

How active can you be: I am a pretty active member both on the forums and on the server. I am on at one time or another almost every day.

Current: DT EX1 | Imperial RP TGM | ImperialRP Trial Mod
Former: DT Commander EX1 IF21 | ImperialRP AHGM | ImperialRP Senior Admin

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SGM Azrael Review on this app - Pros and cons will be based on experience I have had/quality of the person.

The App review.

The app you have made is very clean and has many qualities to it and some cons to it. Allow me to note what stand out.

Qualities to the app.
No strikes

Ambition to grow the team

Has stated "I want to continue events and help the server"

Aware of ULX

Knows the value of a GM.

Correct formatting of creating a mega event. 

A good plan too!


Only joined may 10th

Has only done 2 mega events.

[It has highlighted in yellow as its mild and not critical/affecting your chances.]


Overall You will be receiving my +support.


All the best, Anomaly.

Kind regards




Former | High Inquisitor | Field Commander | Second Sister | Eighth Brother 

play piano GIF by Internet Cat Video Festival



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On 7/10/2022 at 12:01 AM, Sir Azrael said:

SGM Azrael Review on this app - Pros and cons will be based on experience I have had/quality of the person.

The App review.

The app you have made is very clean and has many qualities to it and some cons to it. Allow me to note what stand out.

Qualities to the app.
No strikes

Ambition to grow the team

Has stated "I want to continue events and help the server"

Aware of ULX

Knows the value of a GM.

Correct formatting of creating a mega event. 

A good plan too!


Only joined may 10th

Has only done 2 mega events.

[It has highlighted in yellow as its mild and not critical/affecting your chances.]


Overall You will be receiving my +support.


All the best, Anomaly.

Kind regards





| former Shock 1LT, Shock SGT | | Former IQ CPL | | x3 Former IF Agent| 

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On 7/10/2022 at 8:01 AM, Sir Azrael said:

SGM Azrael Review on this app - Pros and cons will be based on experience I have had/quality of the person.

The App review.

The app you have made is very clean and has many qualities to it and some cons to it. Allow me to note what stand out.

Qualities to the app.
No strikes

Ambition to grow the team

Has stated "I want to continue events and help the server"

Aware of ULX

Knows the value of a GM.

Correct formatting of creating a mega event. 

A good plan too!


Only joined may 10th

Has only done 2 mega events.

[It has highlighted in yellow as its mild and not critical/affecting your chances.]


Overall You will be receiving my +support.


All the best, Anomaly.

Kind regards





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Congrats on reaching the rank of SGM, please speak to a AHGM for your Training.


30 Second Darth Vader Kio

Stepped down General Kio |  Retired Dupe Builder for Army/Navy High Command | Last Ever Nova Senior Commander | Retired Assistant Head GameMaster | Admin | ST Vice Commander Revenant

Bleach Bankai GIF

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