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Goopy's Officer Application


Goop's Officer Application  

  1. 1. Should I be Officer?

    • Yes
    • No

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What is your name?


What is your rank?

Elite Pilot (EP)

How long have you been a NCO?

11 days (as of 7-3-2022)

What rank are you applying for?

Flight Lieutenant

How many strikes do you have? And if you do why?


Why should we trust you with an Officer rank? (120 words)

I can be trusted with the rank of officer because of my experience. I have been a member of the community for a while, and I strive to be the most well behaved and kind individual on the server. I have been an officer in other battalions so I know what is expected of me. I do not minge and hold myself to the highest standards when it comes to being a star fighter. I have a huge amount of knowledge and insight to pass down to NCO’s and enlisted within the branch. I am always making sure that sf is having fun when I’m online. I will continue to make dad jokes and make my fellow troopers laugh and have a great time. But also be committed to making sf the best and biggest battalion.

What can you do to assist command with this rank? (60 words)

I can assist command by communicating my and other people’s ideas. One thing that I’ve seen this battalion lacking is a great sense of communication. In teamspeak or in game so people either don’t want to listen or always talk over others. It is important everyone is treated the same and gets their ideas heard. I can assist through hosting SIMs to keep everyone growing as a family and tryouts to gain more inductees for our battalion. Also I’m very good with DOCs.

What is the point of been a officer? (50 words)

The point of being an officer is to not only assist command, but to assist NCO’s with training and monitoring the battalions to make sure everything is up to code and no rules are being broken. You also help NCO’s and enlisted if they have any questions or need help with quotas. Officers are the examples to NCO’s and enlisted. As an officer you keep the battalion fun and alive while also doing SIMs and such to keep them entertained.

What would happen if you see a fellow officer messing around and then commanding NCOs to mess around with him? (75 words)

If I were to see another officer either messing around or abusing his power to command lower ranked members of the battalion I would first ask him to hop in another TS channel and ask what he is doing and how if they think it’s what an officer should be doing. Then if he doesn’t listen to my first warning I would gather clips as evidence and present them to higher ranking officers or the Vice Marshals. After that command could deal with them as they please.

Do you agree that if you are striked within the first week you will be put back down to the NCO rank?

Yes I agree


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I support this application, here are my reasons...

  • Incredibly mature
  • Has lead events succesfully
  • Takes orders well
  • Never raised their voice during stressful situations
  • Great combat pilot
  • Great communication skills



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