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Everything posted by dragonslayer997

  1. As said above moose has been a amazing SAO for SF he is a great person to be around and just creates a great atmosphere. he works hard and is very respectful I believe he would be the perfect fit for this position. good luck Moose!!!
  2. if it works in the server it would make the flying experience even better and seems like there's no real negatives to it just enhancements to the current hud.
  3. +Support I see this as a much needed change as cobra has been dead or struggling to survive for a long time. this change could help improve the battalion with the new addition of the tie defender and its new structure changes.
  4. + Support I cant see any real downsides to this only positives. I believe this will cause a helpful buffer and give Senior Commanders time to adjust to the next ranks above.
  5. 1. What is your IGN? (In Game Name) : Dragon 2. What Regiment are you applying for? Starfighter 3. Why do you want to be a commander of this branch? I Want to be a vice commander For Starfighters Because I honestly love this group so much. In my time being a starfighter I've made so many friends and have had many great experiences I will never forget, so many good times. This group means the world to me. So for me starfighters is my top priority and always will be. I believe with my experience I've gained so far and my commitment to this great battalion. I can help strengthen starfighters and help it continue to grow. In my few months being here I've done my best to help strengthen starfighters and make it thrive. my goal in starfighters is to make it a great battalion, give it a friendly atmosphere and help it grow in size. With this position I can help make changes, make sure nco+ are doing a good job and helping in any decision making with my fellow command team. By getting vice commander I believe I can accomplish these goals and help keep Starfighters a proud Strong battalion that continues to thrive. 4. How much game time do you have on the server? Time played 326:26 (2 Weeks) according to my BattleMetrics 5. What is the Main Purpose of a commander for a branch? The main purpose of a commander for a branch is to lead and oversee others, to set the example and make sure the battalion is thriving and doing well. Some other responsibilities include improving the branch by making new and better changes. it also involves listening to your officers and nco's for problems they face or solutions/ideas they may have that can improve the battalion as a whole. you must also listen and communicate with the enlisted as they are the core of the battalions and need to have a voice. Also you must be willing to work hard such as doing roster updates at a quick reasonable pace and checking the loggings to make sure officers and ncos meet their quotas and are doing a good job. You are the example you must behave and act as a leader should. 6. Why should we trust you to be a commander? : I believe you can trust me for a few reasons. Firstly my commitment to the server and to starfighters as a whole. in my time on gaminglight imperial rp majority of it has been on starfighters. while in starfighters I've logged in total over three hundred hours and have been on almost daily. Also in that time I have never received a warning or a strike. I have followed the gaming light rules and have not ruined any others experience on the server. I take my position seriously and I hope my logged activity helps prove that point. Secondly id like to present some of my accomplishments I've achieved while I've been in starfighters. As a nco then officer to where I am now Group captain.[Major] In my time in starfighters I've recruited 35 members, met every weeks quota and became the leader of gladius squadron and have been working hard to revive it. I've also helped out my fellow command team many times and have helped many members with any questions or tasks they needed help with. I've also achieved the Distinguished Service Medal. Thirdly you can trust me because my fellow starfighters trust me. when my higher up asks something of me they know I can handle the task and get it done right. I've put time, hard work and many long hours to get to where I am now. I am proud of my accomplishments so far. I want to do even more to better starfighters as a whole and I believe being a vice commander would help me accomplish that. Lastly I love starfighters more than anything and I want to see it strive and succeed. 7. How often can you be Online? : I can currently be online Daily For At least 8+ hours a day 8. Do you have any Warnings? (What for?) : I Have Never Received any warnings
  6. + Support - Active - Mature - Hard Working
  7. + Support - Very Active - Seems committed to SF - Very Mature - Follows orders
  8. + Support - Very Active - fun to be around - Mature
  9. +Support Seems dedicated to helping SF
  10. What is your name? Dragon What is your rank? Warrant Officer How long have you been a NCO? from about 6/4/22 to the present What rank are you applying for? Flight Lieutenant (officer) How many strikes do you have? And if you do why? None Why should we trust you with an Officer rank? (120 words) to start I have been extremely active in sf I've been on almost daily and I have been recruiting many new members to sf. I've put in a lot of time and work along with helping others with any questions about rules or anything they need assistance with. I have in my time as a nco trained so far 20 people into sf and its only been less than a month. I also have helped out many people who are higher rank than me such as taking over for a tryouts or getting people ready for sims or events on the isd or anything else a higher up has asked of me. I also have become friends with most of sf I take the position of my current role nco very seriously and I hope to move up so I can do more for sf and help more people in it. when it comes to reliability sf higher ups trust me to handle things when needed and make sure the job gets done right. I've done my best to prove myself worthy of such a honor such as officer. What can you do to assist command with this rank? (60 words) I can help by being a communicator about how the enlisted feel and what they would like changed or improved. I can also host more sims and tryouts to improve the numbers in sf and to make members have more fun and get much needed training in. I can also help out if any higher ups are in need of help or assistance with tasks such as sims or tryouts or anything else they need. i can help if enlisted need assistance or have any questions regarding sf. I can also make sure everyone is following the rules and help enforce them when needed. What is the point of been a officer? (50 words) to lead others, assist command and to manage the ranks below you to make sure they are doing a good job like ncos. to make sure ncos are doing the roster updates correctly and making quotas and just in general doing a good job and not slacking off and also to help others along like if they have questions or concerns within sf. officers are to be examples to the ncos and enlisted to show maturity and professionalism. What would happen if you see a fellow officer messing around and then commanding NCOs to mess around with him? (75 words) i would talk to the officer and tell them to stop that they will get everyone involved in trouble. if they continued further I would record the event as evidence and let a higher up know what the officer told the ncos to do and what occurred. I would also try to pull them aside and warn them it could hurt them in the long run if they continue to minge or break the rules of sf and the server. id let the officer know its their job to lead and they should be setting a good example and not looking bad to sf and the entire server as a whole. Do you agree that if you are striked within the first week you will be put back down to the NCO rank? yes i do.
  11. What is your name? Dragonslayer What is your rank? FighterPilot How long have you been an Enlisted? 3 days What rank are you applying for? NCO How many strikes do you have? And why do you have the strikes if you do? none Why should we trust you with a NCO rank? (120 words) im a active player that follows the rules and enjoys the server. i don't rdm or troll i have no strikes or warnings and i am respectful to my fellow pilots and everyone around me regardless of their rank or position. id love a chance to help others and lead others around me and to make the server and the users all have a great time. and as for experience i have over 2000 hours in gmod alone I'm not new to the gameplay or its complexity's. ive also been a moderator in servers before and in positions of power so i am familiar with the responsibilities it holds. hopefully with your acceptance i can start training new SF and take more pilots into the sky's to improve our great and glorious regiment. What can you do to assist Officers with this rank? (50 words) if none are available i can train troopers to join SF. i can help out a officer if he needs assistance in matters. i can train the new pilots how to fly and whos in charge and keep tabs on them. i can help out if they called me to help out. What is the main point of NCO? (60 words) the non commissioned officers point is to supervise enlisted soldiers and aid the commissioned officer corps. other than that the point is to help the enlisted and guide them on their journey in the regiments. we help them with things they are not sure about and what to do for events and where to stand for formations and what their role is and what they can do to improve and grow as people and players. Question, what would happen if you see a enlisted not following orders and they are messing around? (75 words) they would get in trouble for not following orders or for breaking the servers rules they can receive disciplinary action for misbehaving or trolling its up to the high ups to warn and punish those who do not follow the servers rules or the regiments. i personally would warn them and if they continued i would punish them for not behaving or if they were pure trolling. those that do break the rules or minge are subject to punishment. Do you agree that if you are striked within the first week you will be put back down to the Enlisted rank? i agree
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