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Espaa Valorum/Heda's Vice Sovereign Application- Accepted



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  1. 1. Am I fit for Vice-Commander

    • Yes (Explain)
    • No (Explain)

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1. What is your IGN? (In-Game Name) :

Lore Senior Guard Espaa Valorum

2. What Regiment are you applying for?

Royal Guard

3. Why do you want to be a commander of this branch?

I would like to become the Vice-Sovereign to help assist the Royal Guard more significantly. I have thought about whether I should apply or not and came to the conclusion that I should. I believe we are lacking in the command part of the Royal Guard, not because the current command team is incompetent but because it's too much for one person to handle the Royal Guard by themselves. I want to become a Vice-Sovereign to help alleviate some of the stress on the current command team, right now we have only one vice-sovereign for the Royal Guard and an additional vice-sovereign would make things for the Royal Guard run smoother and alleviate stress as I would be able to provide help with problems that might arise. 

I would also like to become the vice-sovereign to be the voice of lower ranks to address their concerns and issues, I want to be able to be someone lower-ranking Officers, NCOs, and Enlisted can look up to.  If chosen I would make sure that even the lower enlisted/cadets would feel they are listened to on what concerns or improvements they believe the Royal Guard can achieve. I would make sure everyone felt welcomed within the Royal Guard and if they had an issue with anything I would be there to listen.

One thing I want to try to get done if made a vice-sovereign would be possible missions for Royal Guard, something I have wanted to see done with the Royal Guard. An example mission I have in mind would be, "Emperor Palpatine has selected his Royal Guard to guard a secret base on [insert planet], we are tasked with keeping all of his secrets away from rebels or anyone looking to find out what he is hiding" now this is just a little mission brief, what could happen would depend on how the Royal Guard did. This would also allow Officers/NCOs to show off their leadership skills on the battlefield as we are usually only guarding our VIPs. If chosen for vice-sovereign I would try to make Royal Guard missions a weekly thing.

Overall I want to become a vice-sovereign to help alleviate stress on the current command all while helping further the Royal Guards' potential as a regiment. If chosen I would make sure to work closely with the current command team to come up with new ideas/improvements for the regiment. I would make sure the command team can live up to their full potential and try to help improve their leadership qualities.

4. How much game time do you have on the server?

384:03 according to battlemetrics

5. What is the Main Purpose of a commander for a branch?

The main purpose of a vice commander is to assist the commander of the regiment with issues or problems that may arise. They also help maintain and edit battalion-related documents, such as the roster and sop. They make sure everything is kept up to date and are responsible for making sure problems and suggestions are looked at and fixed. Vice-Commander makes sure that Officers and NCOs are well trained and ready to take up leadership roles, and they make sure punishments are handed out to those that need them. They also are the main voice for their respective regiments and should be one of the first people that lower-ranking individuals or outside regiments should come to, to hear out their concerns or issues.

Vice-commanders and commanders should be seen as a team so that there are no concerns about whether they are competent on incompetent for their duties. They should also be the ones that inform high-command of issues they cannot solve themselves.

6. Why should we trust you to be a vice commander? :

You can trust me as a vice-sovereign because I have prior experience with being a commander on other servers, not this one yet. I know how commanders should act and how they shouldn't I also don't plan on going anywhere besides the Royal Guard so you wouldn't have to worry about commitment issues. Royal Guard is my home and will continue to be even if denied, I will not try my luck anywhere else, and if not chosen now hopefully chosen in the future. People have come to me and asked if I was going to apply and to be honest, I had no intentions of applying till I saw that people would like to see me as the Vice-Sovereign and wouldn't want to let those people down by breaking the trust bestowed to me if given the position. I also can handle stress and if this turns out to be stressful I will not give up I will continue to try.

Thank you for your time and I hope I can be trusted to become your next vice-sovereign.

7. How often can you be Online? :

2-6 hours is what I can promise possibly more, but if not it will be due to being out or working.

8. Do you have any Warnings? (What for?) :

No warnings and I plan to keep it that way.

Edited by WanHeda


Royal Guard Sovereign Protector Kir Kanos


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Great officer
Nice ad approachable
Great App

Good Luck!!!!!

Former: Pyke Underboss, Shock VCMDR, RG COL/SHG Lead, Agent Kallus, Admin, GMIII.

Current: Lord Kat.

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