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Parker's Naval Rear Admiral Application- Denied


Should Parker become a Rear Admiral?  

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  1. 1. Should Parker become a Rear Admiral?

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Parker's Rear Admiral Application


1. What is your IGN? (In Game Name) :

SSO  Commander Parker / (Nova 2LT Falkery)

2. What Regiment are you applying for?

Naval, Rear Admiral

3. Why do you want to be a commander of this branch?

I want to become a Rear Admiral for multiple reasons, here are all of them:
1. I have ideas I would love to help implement in Naval. As Rear Admiral, this would be much easier as I would be a leader of said changes and can describe in better detail of those ideas. While anyone can purpose changes in Naval, Rear Admiral would allow me to work more closely with Command to implement ideas.

2. I have what I believe is the leadership experience to become a Rear Admiral. During my current time in Naval, I have made sure to work with all ranks in making RP functional. What I mean is that I do not want to see anyone not knowing their function or duties while on server. I have dealt with some minor situations so far in Naval which have been uncommon in my experience on this server. Naval requires what I would describe as a front man leader. These people are the people many interact with on the day to day. I believe I have this said skill as I have interacted with many people, from Shock, DT, Nova, and others to see what their regiments are like and what Naval needs for future success.

3 As a Rear Admiral, I can work more closely with other regiments to implement ideas we all share or come up with. After all, we all wish to have a better server.

4. How much game time do you have on the server?
First Day based on Battlemetrics was March 30th 2022

(When Application was Submitted) On Gaminglight 112 Hours, 26 minutes, Garry’s Mod 1458 Hours

5. What is the Main Purpose of a commander for a branch?

As a Commander, or a Rear Admiral in this case, your job is to handle any issues that are in the regiment. Anyone could come up to you with a problem and your job is to provide, to the best of your ability, and answer based on every situation. Commanders are the face of the battalion in many cases as well, they act and speak for the regiment they represent. They hold the power to change much or little. They can ultimately decide if people join, leave or stay. All it takes is for one person to do something bad and cause many to leave. As a Commander, you must be the leader that can improve, grow the server, not only the regiment. This can be by providing activities to the regiment or server, working with other officers, or simply by working on what you believe will grow the regiment.  Commanders are the person people that make sure things run smoothly, people get assistance they need and overall are a great person to interact with in the battalion.

6. Why should we trust you to be a commander? :

I believe I should be trusted as Commander mainly for my time on the server thus far. I have gone to command for both the right and wrong reasons at times but have since learned about how serious some things are on this server in my experience. I generally do not create roleplay many would call minging or something that would get myself or another in trouble. With my time currently as a Supervisor, I would say things have gone mostly smoothly in the sense I do not believe I have caused any issues. I am always willing to ask questions or seek out answers as I am not afraid to admit what I don’t know or understand. In Supervisory so far, I have passed the general quota, but admit I have not been here quite long. I have considerable experience with rosters if that is at all applicable as I have made many for a server I was once on. Another thing I will mention but deem it as less important since it is not related to this server, I have been a command officer on a different server not in the Gaminglight network. Overall, the most important thing I would say is that I do not disrespect any battalion and have worked hard to learn about every battalion, work with them, and enjoy the roleplay with all battalions.

7. How often can you be Online? :

My schedule is varied based on my job as it is not a set schedule. I would say about 18+ hours a week.

8. Do you have any Warnings? (What for?) :

No I do not have any.

Edited by Parkerxxx

Former Moderator. Admiral Garrick Versio, Security Director, (Longtime SSO) Nova BHS Major Falkery NT05

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                                                                          Current: Super Admin Former: Sovereign Protector| |

            DT NCO|SHGL| Agent Kallus | Senior Moderator Clarence | First "Agent Kyle"

                    Nova CPT Former Shock LTCOL |Former shock VCMDR| Former Senior Mod                                                  


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Thank you for your interest in joining the Navy Command Team.
You may reapply in 2 weeks.

Edited by Bear_

- Advisor Bear -
- = was Darth Vader (fortnite) & killed a lot of people (MRDM)= -
R IC COL 6150 BEAR | R ST COL Barrett 6150

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