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BAN APPEAL- Accepted


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You must fill out this form in order to be considered for a unban.

Steam Name: kiekss 

Ingame Name: Vari

SteamID: STEAM_0:1:502870016

Ban Length: Permanent

Admin that Banned you: I cannot remember its been over a year, maybe 2.

Reason for Ban: 40+ warns. They got tired of me and permed me which I understand completely.

Dispute: It's been well over a year, maybe even 2. I used to love the server but didn't take it serious enough back then and screwed off a lot. I am looking for one more chance, way more mature now lol. The server was my favorite server on GMOD at the time and I would love to have that experience back. Please give me one more chance and I won't mess up again. I want to see what the server has become and I know that making a separate account is against the rules. I recently just got back into roleplay and the other servers aren't the same as GamingLight. I am a long time donator on that account and support you guys fully, Thanks!

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Just now, Respecter of Women Big Ben said:

40+ warn bans aren't appealable

40+ warn threshold is a perma ban. Also when serching your name in the ban panel this is the guy found. Which has a different name, I don't know if this is relevant but ban reason is different.

Gaminglight Bans - Opera 2_8_2022 5_01_54 PM.png


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6 hours ago, Respecter of Women Big Ben said:

40+ warn bans aren't appealable

this is considered a blacklist and Blacklist are unappealable 

SM Balloon 1A98/FBI Deputy Director Balloon RA5/State Major Balloon 1H02/CERT TL Balloon 1TL01/SPMU Head Patrolman Balloon 1HP01

Keep your head up and your eyes straight and everything will be fine

 T MOD Oct 9-15/21  MODERATOR Oct 15 - Nov 5/21 SENIOR MOD Nov 21 - Dec 12/21 Admin Dec 12 - Jan 14/22 Senior Admin Jan 14 - Current

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Hello, Yes Tactical that screenshot is me. I thought I had more then 22 warns. The reason I put that ban reason down is because when I was banned (if i’m not mistaken)  I heard I reached the warn limit (not knowing i was at 22) so i figured that i had 40 warns because I heard that. I’m not sure who VariGood is, i’ve had the same steam account for GMOD since I bought the PC. Should I make a new appeal or can you guys go off of the screenshot that Tactical sent in?

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2 hours ago, Qxeefs said:

Hello, Yes Tactical that screenshot is me. I thought I had more then 22 warns. The reason I put that ban reason down is because when I was banned (if i’m not mistaken)  I heard I reached the warn limit (not knowing i was at 22) so i figured that i had 40 warns because I heard that. I’m not sure who VariGood is, i’ve had the same steam account for GMOD since I bought the PC. Should I make a new appeal or can you guys go off of the screenshot that Tactical sent in?

ye so our perma ban is 40 warns and you defo dont have 40 
i believe he should be unbanned due to this and the ban reason also but i will 100% say if you do get unbanned please read up on all of our rules as some may have changed since the last time you played


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