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Drago's Vice Marshal

Big Drago


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Drago's Starfighter Vice Marshall app.


1. What is your IGN? (In Game Name) :

SF SL CSL Drago 5736

2. What Regiment are you applying for?


Starfighter Corps


3. Why do you want to be a commander of this branch?


I want to become the Vice Marshall for Starfighters to help expand the battalion with new ideas. I’ve always been super passionate
about the battalion ever since I joined it. SF and the members all mean a lot to me and I would be sure to make all the members feel wanted within the battalion. When I joined SF there was only about 20-30 people within the battalion at the time, with only 50% of them being active , I feel like I, along with my fellow officers and NCOs have made SF grow quite a bit with over 40+ tryouts logged myself. I constantly studied Sully’s , soph’s , ptob’s and azir’s actions while they have been command in SF and I feel as if I would be ready to help lead the battalion as they did. My time as SF moving from FC to SL has been such a good time and I fully understand what my responsibilities would be as a Vice Marshall, I am confident the members of SF and SF command would also trust me with the responsibilities and trust me to lead. 


4. How much game time do you have on the server?


Joined SF 10/13/2021.


5. What is the Main Purpose of a commander for a branch?


The main purpose of being the commander of any battalion is to keep your battalion going and to have a stable relationship with all of the members. With doing that everyone will enjoy their time within the battalion, That will lead to having a high amount of players in your regiment. As for the VCMDR role, which I am applying for, I believe their job is to oversee all officers and make sure they are in check. They should also be active within the battalion and making sure that everyone in the battalion is happy with what is going on in the battalion as well as constantly improving it or trying to figure out how to improve it.


6. Why should we trust you to be a commander? :

I believe I should be trusted with the role of Vice Marshall because of my hard work and dedication so far in SF, in my time in SF i’ve been trusted with the Lead role in Cobra squadron , the rank of SL .i wnat to change squadron and do more with the squadron. I’ve also want to implemented new ideas and documents into the squadron. I would like to take my skills from both of those roles and use them to assist the Starfighter corps as a whole. SF means a whole lot to me and I want to make it the same for others as well , I would make sure there is a constant connection between command , officers , NCO’s and enlisted to ensure everything in the battalion run’s smooth and we keep minging as low as possible. I would also like to expand the relations between SF and naval, not only naval but the naval sub battalions, I would want to be active with them too and keep the relations between them strong by doing SIM’s here and there with them , interacting with them more often and possibly create passive rp for them. I would also be super active not just in game but outside of it, I would stay on top of roster and documents as well as the discord to make sure everything in SF is moving smooth.

7. How often can you be Online? :


 weekday: 2/3 PM - 12 pm EST

weekend: 10 AM - 12 pm EST

8. Do you have any Warnings? (What for?) :


I have 0 warnings across all of gaminglight.

Thank you for taking your time to read over my application.

current ranks: SHG Lore Senior G Aron Veisler // Drago, TSO Sub Lieutenant Drago

old ranks: SL Drago Fury SEIF36, SF CSL group captain (MAG) Drago 5736

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8 minutes ago, Kuria said:

- Support

-This Is A Direct Copy Of Deaky's Vice Marshall Application

This is the original one https://gaminglight.com/forums/topic/70674-deakys-vice-marshall-application/

Drago, Please make your own application.

bruh stop copying peoples application. No matter how far back you go in SF applications, there will still be people who are gonna know you are copying them. I remember reading Deaky's application when it was posted. And on your last post you said "ops i diden't mean to capy that" which you clearly did as you only changed the parts about my rank and name, and you did it once again using someone else's application. Don't leach off of other people. It's ok to look at applications for inspiration, but this is far from that.

Last Real Starfighter Marshall Brand


High Five Tom Cruise GIF by Hollywood Suite


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-You copied someone's application word for word and then made another application copying someone else's application. 

Honestly bro what are you even doing at this point. 

  • Laughing 1

Current:   | Nova Vice Commander Luminary NT04|

EX:   Purge Commander VALoons DN52 MC IR 2Lt VAL 5225 |


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