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Deathtrooper NCO Application DT CPL WS7/Weebe-San


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You must be SPC+ to apply for this position!

In-Game name: DT CPL WS7

SteamID: STEAM_0:1:74823902

Rank: CPL

How long have you been in your current rank?: I was specialist as I was working on this but got promoted to CPL by General Bop. Was specialist for 30 hours and CPL for 2 hours  as of typing this.


What experiences in leadership do you have?: I've been in leadership positions on garrys mod since 2016(https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=790664410)  alongside many others throughout the year. From american revoultionary war, star wars rp, and military rp I've been and climbed through the many ranks within each rp learning from many superiors and those below  the many qualities about being a good person but also a good leader. The experience I've gained through leadership positions is that it is better to be loved than feared compared to what Niccolò Machiavelli said. I've learned through my experience that it is best to foster a family like spirit to ensure that people enjoy themselves within the battalion but also when it comes to discipline to ensure every one is on top of themselves and expected to as such. Especially in the Death Trooper battalion.


Why do you want to be a non-commissioned officer?(100+ Word minimum) I want to be an NCO because I wish to host tryouts for the battalion as activity within the battalion while great at times can sometimes be lacking within certain times, so I wish to host tryouts to bolster the battalion with new players while at same time ensuring they will carry the same standards as us. I also wish to be an NCO to be a better figure as being an NCO will allow me to put on an image that leadership even as small as an NCO is active within the battalion to both represent but also communicate to our fellow crewman aboard the ISD that DT leadership is active. I also want to be an NCO because I really love being in DT within myself passing on the 4th try and going to every tryout I could because I was determined to be in one of the battalions that I believe is the coolest on the server. I also want to be an NCO because having a pauldron is awesome :D.


What makes you stand out amongst the others?(110+Word minimum) I stand amongst they others both because I am active and a friendly person. I’ve heard on occasions leadership talking about how many officers are going to be getting strikes as there missing their tryout quote even with it just being 3 a week. I also saw within they roster that two people had strikes for not completing the quote. When it comes to me, I’d do tryouts whenever I’m free or when somebody asks to give a chance them and others a chance at joining an elite regiment. I’ve seen as well that many people who’ve tried out for DT are the people who don’t give up on there first fail within the tryout which shows me that there are people out there just like me that are determined to achieve what they want to achieve. Having they ability to recognize and see the differences and quality of people is an important trait to have when it comes to seeing who you’re letting into your battalion. I’m also a friendly person ^.^ I understand that being nice and respectful towards people is important especially now a days as they first impression is they most import experience between 2 people or a group of people. I always try to go out of my way to be nice to those who have been nice or have shown me compassion as these can be some of they best type of people. I know that if I become an NCO that there will come a time where someone will fail and before I’d have to terminate them I’d tell them what they did wrong and what to work for next time if there is a next time. I’d also thank them for trying out after which terminate them.


Do you understand that if you fail to meet the expectations of an NCO you can be removed from your position?Yes



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Well written application, you articulate your leadership & competence well.

Edited by 0din

Resigned Grand Moff Tarkin | Retired Army General | Former Senior Commander of Death Troopers |



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+good guy overall

+gets along with others

+has a good reputation

+Good application

I hope you get it! If I were to say anything bad it would just be bias so Good luck m8

-Sincerely 501st CPT Gamma

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 ARC/ 501st JTL 1LT Maroon 11/7567
TSO JR LT Maroon

IC PVT 7567 Echo
Apprentice V Maroon

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  • Head of Staff

Application Accepted!

Trooper was already promoted to NCO

ImperialRP SMT | Head of Staff       

Head Forums Diplomat

Former High Admiral | Former DT Commander | Former State LTCOL | Former SPRT Commander

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