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William's Juggernaut Application


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1. What is your in-game name?: Williams

2. Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:168301546

3. Current Rank in Security: CPT

4. Time on the server: 3 months and 15 days (2 Weeks According to GL)

5. Current level: 55 

6. On a scale from 1 - 10, how active are you?: 9

7. Do you have any active strikes on the roster?: No

8. Which command members gave you permission to apply?: MAJ AsheFox & LTCOL Warmercarp

9. Have you read the Juggernaut section of the SOP?: Yes

10. Do you understand that if you abuse this job it WILL be taken away?:  Yes

10. Why do you think you deserve access to the  Security Juggernaut Job? (125+ WORDS): The reason on why I think I deserve Security Juggernaut is because I'm very active so whenever riots are getting heavy I would be able to use Juggernaut to terminate all threats in D block, another reason why I deserve Security Juggernaut is due to my ability to not hit fellow security personnel, there still would be mistakes like a single shot shooting a friendly D-Class but the target will still be terminated no matter what. Another reason would be that since my health is very high I would be able to tank most things like a mobsters bullets or golf club, which would mean less security dying or if there's no security then it would mean me being able to survive major riots. The final reason on why I should be able to access Security Juggernaut is because of my will to help all those who need it, and Juggernaut would be the class that would help, due to the weapons given to it.

11. Which weapon in the Juggernaut load-out would you use to hit a D-Class in the middle of a crowd and how would you ensure to hit your mark?: The CZ-75 weapon would do nicely due to its low recoil/ easy to control recoil the main way I would kill a D-Class is using the single fire mode and would slowly fire, and if the target ran off then I would wait for the crowd to leave an opening for me to fire and even if that didn't work the second option would be for me to wait for the D class to leave the crowd or for the crowd to leave the target and that's when I would fire at him.

Edited by Williams
Bad grammar don't judge

Former Sub-Branch Ranks: SEC: SFTO & Juggernaut Nu-7: DHTR, IFE, IBHM E11: CB 

Retired Medical Staff EXPM Williams, Maintenance Professional, Sec CPT, Nu-7 2LT R&D SIN

Alpha 26

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