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Jeffonator's Delta-5 App


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Your In-Game Name:  Jeffonator


STEAM ID: STEAM_0:1:430904485


How long have you been playing on the server for?: I'v been playing on the server for about 7 months or so 


List all of the RP ranks you hold on the server. (MTF, Gensec, Etc.) : SM in MTF Nu7 and ME in Maintenance


What Command position are you applying for? (list two): 1st or 2nd LT


Why do you want to become Delta-5 Command? (250+ Words): I would like to join so that I may help this new branch grow. I would also like to join for the fact that it looks cool (I'd be lying if I said otherwise). I would like to also gain experience at being command that is why I also asked for the lowest ranks there was to chose from above. I would simply like to help this new branch co-exist with the rest even though its already gotten quite some hate from many people. It seems like a promising branch to help Nu7 deal with certain situations. For example... If there are 3 Keter class breaches and D-block is lost, Nu7 would be overwhelmed. This Is why I would like to join, I'm sorry if I do not meet the requirement I am not good at writing long paragraphs. That is all thank you for reading and have a great day or afternoon.


Why do you feel you are the best option for this position? (150+ Words): I feel like I am the good option due to the fact that I am active, I follow the rules and orders accordingly so that I do not commit the same mistake twice. I hope to improve over time, due to me not having any experience as command I would like to start at the lowest rank of command. I am aware that even as the lowest I would still be representing the branch and as such I do not plan on making the branch look bad. That's about all I got, sorry if it does not meet the word requirement.


Why should we trust you for this position?: image.thumb.png.82e83731fa11181109820dbacba1d1d5.png

I don't have a bad history, I follow orders, I am active, and I am respectful

Do you have past leadership / command experience? If so please list them. (Limit it to Gmod only please): Sadly I do not


You are in LCZ and Security is requesting assistance due to a Mass D Block Riot; however, Chaos Insurgency has been called out for taking a SCP in HCZ. What would you do in this situation, and why?: I say leave a small group of like 2-3 soldiers to assist GENSEC while the rest go to deal with CI, once CI is taken care of we hand the SCP's to Nu7 and then head back to LCZ to deal with the D-class.  


What would you do if those under your command are not following orders and are breaking the SOP?: If its the first time i'd warn them to stop If they continue then I will get someone higher ranking than me or an admin to help deal with the situation accordingly.


How would you react to someone asking to be put into Delta-5 without a tryout and to be fast promoted?: I would simply respond with a firm "no" and recommend that they participate in a tryout if they really want to be apart of the branch. 


Explain how you would react to receiving an anonymous tip about a GOI group: I would communicate it with command and act accordingly.


Do you promise to be committed to Delta-5 and to lead by example if you are accepted into Delta-5?: Yes

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7 minutes ago, FusionThunder said:


Cool person to be around

Application needs work on length

MRDM Warn? can i get context to that?

you do be active tho

sorry for the shortness of it but I don't know what else to put on it.

Yes you may get context on that. It was on my second day on the server and I was a LCPL or CPL Riot control and pryingtree as a researcher averted partial and at the time I did not know he was a researcher and he did not void it on time so me and the other officers started shooting the class-d that did not comply and I killed most of them that's about the hole story. ( this is what I was referring to by I wont make the same mistake again). If you have any other questions please ask them.

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12 minutes ago, Jeffonator said:

sorry for the shortness of it but I don't know what else to put on it.

Yes you may get context on that. It was on my second day on the server and I was a LCPL or CPL Riot control and pryingtree as a researcher averted partial and at the time I did not know he was a researcher and he did not void it on time so me and the other officers started shooting the class-d that did not comply and I killed most of them that's about the hole story. ( this is what I was referring to by I wont make the same mistake again). If you have any other questions please ask them.

Ah well with context changing to +Support

i do recommend looking at other apps for inspiration. Be sure not to take work directly tho



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