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Player Report - People Abuser


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Your in game name: recon

Your Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:103893952

The player's in game name: People Abuser

The player's steam ID (required): STEAM_0:1:121074960

Date and Time This Incident Occurred: 7-27-21 at 5:30 PM EST

What did the player do: Beat up and cuffed a member of gensec.

Evidence (required): 


What do you believe should happen to the player: Formal warning. 

Any extra information: First off, I know that you can't hear my voice in the video but I was not arguing with 912, I was trying to explain to 912 why I shot his D class and how he should be brining D class to gensec or MTF when he cuffs them as per MOTD rules. Also, I stabbed Jack on accident when trying to stab 106 for being in D block. Also, I think the player should get a formal and not a verbal because the player knew what he did was wrong and still did it. Finally, I understand that I fought 912 at the end, that was wrong of me and I shouldn't have done it.

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1 minute ago, Flooded said:


Same guy who does the same thing repeatedly


SCP-RP | Maintenance Expert | HLPR Bot bT5 | Senior Researcher | Senior Event Team Member

Custom Classes | Umbrella Corporation Operative


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Seems to be, prolonging the argument and then eventually break down and started violating his MOTD rule by harming gensec.

Honestly, something like this deserves a formal warn. Should know better to bring it in a staff room than just hitting you with the baton. 


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Lol every time he does that he just gets KOS"ed 


SCP-RP - Former: Moderator/ETSecurity SFTO SM, Research Researcher, MTF Alpha-1 Sgt, MTF Alpha-1 "Alpha-6", Noob-7 CplD5 RCT, R&D SIN, T-2 Blackjack, HFR, DHBI and E-11 DoFTO HCE SM | Current: CI Military DHLS SFTO SM 

Imperial-RP - Former - ModeratorRoyal Guard Senior Guard, Shadow Guard Lead, Stormtrooper 2LT, 501st MSG

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my guy, you shot me for over 100 damage in the process, i told you to stop because you weren't helping me at all. they were out of your way and didn't pose a threat, you had no reason to shoot them. they were in cuffs or were being cuffed, i was fed up with you saying "oh well you should've been playing the game a certain way" so i cuffed you. and yes, i could've just made a sit against you and handled it in a better way, but honestly you using the MOTD in the dumbest way against me was a dick move and i was just not going to deal with that. just because 912 is supposed to listen to and obey MTF and GenSec, doesn't mean you use that against them when they ask you to stop. 

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Player will receive a warning for FailRP on 912. Further instances of rule breaking on SCP 912 from this player will result in a Job Blacklist.


Former SCP:RP Event Team Leader (5/15/19 - 12/31/19)

Current SCP:RP Head Administrator

"I'll see you on the Dark Side of the Moon"

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Thank you for the report. Appropriate action against the player and or staff member will be taken to ensure that they receive the correct punishment.

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Former SCP:RP Event Team Leader (5/15/19 - 12/31/19)

Current SCP:RP Head Administrator

"I'll see you on the Dark Side of the Moon"

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