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Zilk's Purge Vice Commander Application- Denied


Should Zilk be the next Purge Vice Commander?  

9 members have voted

  1. 1. Should Zilk be the next Purge Vice Commander?

    • Yes
    • No

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1. What is your IGN? (In-Game Name): 

----Purge BAL LTCOL Zilk CC23----


2. What Regiment are you applying for? 

----Purge (Vice Commander)----


3. Why do you want to be a commander of this branch?

I would love to be a Vice Commander of Purge for the following reasons. One, I have dedicated lots of time to the battalion when it comes to SIMs, Training, and Missions. Two, during my time as an officer for Purge I’ve strived to do as much for the battalion (Like SIMs and Trainings) and I, would love for it to be one of my jobs to Host SIMs, missions, and Trainings for the battalion and maybe even other battalions. Three,  I want to make that battalion look good with the increased numbers that we have been getting; Four Purge has pretty much been the only battalion I’ve been playing since my first day on the server. Five it is my goal for the battalion to make sure it stays active when it comes to members of it, and I want to keep the battalion up to date SOP-wise. Adding to what I said before I want purge to look good and professional. Furthermore, a Vice Commander also needs to keep relations between battalions in check by hosting joint sims and missions with other battalions. Six from when I joined Purge we had relatively good numbers and gradually those numbers went up and we broke the battalion record of 35 at once, as a Vice Commander I want to increase the activity by promoting more Deserving enlisted to NCO; Maybe in my time as a Vice commander, we can break that record! 7 Now that I am a gamemaster I would like to do more for the battalion (like Sims and Missions) and the position of Vice Commander is the perfect spot for me take advantage of my new responsibilities,  I want to do this to keep the battalion fun and alive. 8 I actually want to interact with the battalion and not just be on the server doing sims and stuff like that, I want to make the battalion feel like they can trust me with personal matters and generally just In all, I want to make our battalion a fun and safe place or community where everyone can express themselves in their different ways (Not breaking the rules of course).

4. How much game time do you have on the server?

3 weeks (400+ Hours)

Combined between Zilk and [GL] Zilk (They are both me)

( https://www.gametracker.com/server_info/ )

5. What is the Main Purpose of a commander for a branch?

 The main Purpose for the Vice Commander of Purge is to make sure the battalion is running smoothly and fix what isn’t going smoothly, in that a Vice Commander would also be overseeing the command team and Officers but more of the command team. A Vice Commander needs to be able to interact with their troopers and be friendly at times, but at other times a vice commander needs to be strict and discipline their troopers when needed. First, Vice Commanders should be good leaders whether they are on the ground or the ship, They need to lead their troops when needed. Second They should also deal with problems in the battalion that might need their attention an Example a Purge member broke a rule that results in a Strike, the Vice Commander’s job would be to give the strike if it was a valid reason. Third, you would assist the command team in their overall duties when needed. The Vice commanders need to keep the battalion in check (Promoting those that are doing good, keeping the battalion up to date with lore, rules, SOP, etc). Commanders should also do roster updates for the battalion to keep the ranks up to date. Fourth, a Vice Commander should be able to decide who can fit a certain role and what would happen if they didn’t fit it. Concluding all of that a VCMDR would host more SIMs, Missions, Trainings Etc. then the typical officer, to try to make the battalion a good and fun place to be in/at.

6. Why should we trust you to be a commander? :

I believe I should be trusted with the role of Purge Vice Commander. One because of my track record within the battalion, I’ve had 0 strikes and punishments. As of the time of making this, I am the Brawler Assistant Lead, so I have experience with this type of position. (Even though there is a fair difference between BAL/LTCOL and VCMDR). Adding to that, I’ve been trusted with roles such as being a part of the Command team, and as I’ve stated before I am the Brawler Assistant Lead. Furthermore, Purge is the battalion I’m most active in so I can deal with issues when they need to be dealt with. In addition to all, I stated before I’m a good leader with experience leading an officer in the server and real life as a captain for my football team and basketball team. Furthermore, I am an experienced leader not only in-game but also in real life, I have led paintball teams using strategy and leadership, which could prove to be useful as a VCMDR. Moreover, I’m a gamemaster so I have been trusted with a role in the imperial RP staff team. Adding to being a Gamemaster I can help do Training, Missions, and SIMs by being the Gamemaster hosting it. Finally, I am very trustworthy and I express this in my operations as an officer in Purge, and as I’ve stated before I have 0 Strikes and 0 Punishments. 

7. How often can you be Online?

 I can usually be online every day of the week from 11 am-11 pm (EST) on Saturday and Sunday. On the weekdays (At least) I can be online from 3 pm - 11 pm Ish (EST)

8. Do you have any Warnings? (What for?)

----I have no warnings----

( https://gaminglight.com/bans/ )

Edited by Zilk
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-Good Officer

-Extremely Active And Hardworking

-Very Helpful

-Kind And Very Approachable

-Would Make A Good VCMDR

  • Like 1

Ex Havoc Vice Commander
Ex The Second Sister/Ex Purge HVYSL COL

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1 hour ago, YWABsaber said:


-Good Officer

-Extremely Active And Hardworking

-Very Helpful

-Kind And Very Approachable

-Would Make A Good VCMDR

Shock EJTL CPT Deader

|EX Admin|
|EX Shock Commander Dead|


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+ Support 

-Excellent Officer

-Hosts good SIMS and trainings

-Super active

-Serious when needed 

-Overall nice person

-Natural leader, would make a good VCMDR

2LT Vertigo

 The Grand Inquisitor | Vertigo 

 First Field Commander 

 Former Purge Senior Commander 

darth vader GIF by Upamanyu Bhattacharyya

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Good officer

Knows Purge well

Very chill guy but can take care of business when needed


A little rough around the edges, but does his job well.

Good luck mate 🙂



         Dank A.K.A Dante Sham
Ex. Purge Commander | 2nd High Inquisitor

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6 hours ago, YWABsaber said:


-Good Officer

-Extremely Active And Hardworking

-Very Helpful

-Kind And Very Approachable

-Would Make A Good VCMDR

+SUPPORT Very dedicated

Edited by ST Crow


Former: Havoc Vice Commander | Eighth Brother | Purge HVYTO COL | ST SCTL CPT | IC SSE SGT | SubLT

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15 hours ago, its Dank said:


Good officer

Knows Purge well

Very chill guy but can take care of business when needed


A little rough around the edges, but does his job well.

Good luck mate 🙂


Ex: Seventh Sister and Second Sister

Star Wars Dancing GIF


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On 5/19/2021 at 2:01 PM, YWABsaber said:


-Good Officer

-Extremely Active And Hardworking

-Very Helpful

-Kind And Very Approachable

-Would Make A Good VCMDR


~With Care, Seaman 
Retired Grand Moff Tarkin
 Retired Head Gamemaster

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On 5/19/2021 at 3:48 PM, Vertigo334 said:

+ Support 

-Excellent Officer

-Hosts good SIMS and trainings

-Super active

-Serious when needed 

-Overall nice person

-Natural leader, would make a good VCMDR

2LT Vertigo


Imperial RP 
  Staff: EX. Senior Admin, Forums Diplomat, September 2021 Staff of the Month

RP: First Commander Second Sister, Ex Ninth Sister, Eighth Brother, and SF SL 

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On 5/19/2021 at 11:01 AM, YWABsaber said:


-Good Officer

-Extremely Active And Hardworking

-Very Helpful

-Kind And Very Approachable

-Would Make A Good VCMDR


SCP-RP | Epsilon-11 "Nine-Tailed Fox" Former CE LCPL | Former Medical RFM Ex-Medic | Former Senior Researcher |  Former Maintenance Journeyman | Former CI PVT | Guest General Security Officer | Former Guest MTF Nu-7 Guest Agent

ImperialRP | Current Trial Gamemaster | Former Moderator | Navy Former Mideshipman | SF Former Senior Pilot | Purge HVY Former CSM & SPC | IQ Former Lord I, Former Apprentice II | Former Royal Guard IV, Royal Guard CDT I | Havoc Former LCPL | Former Shock Specialist | Current IC 2LT & Gren

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