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Rhodes Resignation 2: The Shitty Boogaloo


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Welcome to resignation 2: the shitty boogaloo. whelp It was fun while it lasted, I have been in SCP-RP for over a year now and I feel like I have fulfilled what I wanted from the server and I have reached my peak. If you want to find me, come to ImpRP and I'll probably be on Star Fighters. I was inactive anyways so short mentions.

GLaDOS: This minge resigned on the day he was suppose to get DHoR, lmao. But in all honesty, good job man you deserved it.

Starstep: uhhhhhh, you literally came from enlisted and flew past literally everyone to yoink that HoR slot. Keep at it and you will eventually get Superadmin. 

Tomato: Congrats on EP man. When are we getting our lambos tho? Also keep it up I want to see HoR Tomato when I eventually come back as enlisted to fuck around.

Saw: I literally removed you from research once yet you came back and got to EP. Great job and keep it up.

Slurmp: Bro, you found the best loophole for same rank reserves. Just say your PC is broke and keep it up for like 6 months. 

Mitchell: Quiet af, but still a chill dude. Have fun and you'll eventually get EP.

SCM-KCM: Keep up all of your great work guys, you are the people that keep our enlisted in check and let research have fun.

Enlisted: Never really got to know any of ya'll, but always shoot for your goals and don't give up until you have obtained them. 

  • Gaminglight Love 2


Retired Marshall


Retired Foundation Doctor

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God fucking damn it man, So many great people leaving the server recently, But have fun on imperialRP though Rhodes, And if you ever wanna play OSU, Let me know.

[SCP RP] Former Research Administrator | Research Field Agent | Chair Professor of RRA - Former RRH Analyst 'November 1' -- MTF Nu7 Second Lieutenant  Senior Event Team Member - Former Admin

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Wow no thanks for me :sad: 
for real tho thanks for being around
if you do come back it will be nice to see you climb
up the ladders again



 Former RESEARCH Manager Zack Morden 

Change is a good thing

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