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Admins Should Listen - Denied


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So I have a suggestion that admins should listen to both sides of someone's story before denying someone's request or appeal. Even if they are black listed. Example being banning someone for staff duties but they are not staff. I think admins should be willing to give people a chance or redemption.

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MASSIVE -support 

Here are my reasons behind it

Staff always listen to both sides of the story

Staff typically like to give second chances

People who are blacklisted deserve to remain blacklisted, they’re blacklisted for a reason by SMT



Member since September of 2018

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Staff listens to both sides sides before making a decision and if its not really bad we do give many chances however for blacklists we don't have really any control over its handed out by SMT and there is always a SERIOUS reason for someone to be blacklisted from gaminglight servers. 

Edited by yh
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49 minutes ago, UncreativeDaniel said:

Blacklists are unappealable. Blacklists are handed out by members of SMT (Head Admin+). Also, the staff handbook says we are in fact required to listen to both stories before making a decision.

nothing else really needs to be said and if you need to make a warn appeal go here:https://gaminglight.com/forums/forum/111-report-center/  If you need to make a ban appeal go here:https://gaminglight.com/forums/forum/120-ban-appeals/


"Won't let go, I'm the type to show you that you're too special, Please don't be the type to hate the things I do, And I'll ride for you, and I'll die for you!" - Juice WRLD

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15 minutes ago, Joseph_Jostar said:

Not even reading my comments shows you are not willing to listen to suggestions.


42 minutes ago, Joseph_Jostar said:

Well if the reason for blacklisting doesnt give much detail. And it was 4 years ago when it was toxic in here. I think it should be reviewed at least. People can change unless its for hacking.

We are always taking suggestions! however you're talking about how members years ago have been blacklisted and it doesn't give much detail. SMT does not have that much time to go over random blacklists years ago and review them to see if they were necessary or not if a member want's to make an attempt at getting their ban appealed from years ago they easily can make a post and it will be put under review.

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1 hour ago, yh said:

Staff listens to both sides sides before making a decision and if its not really bad we do give many chances however for blacklists we don't have really any control over its handed out by SMT and there is always a SERIOUS reason for someone to be blacklisted from gaminglight servers. 



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1 hour ago, UncreativeDaniel said:

Blacklists are unappealable. Blacklists are handed out by members of SMT (Head Admin+). Also, the staff handbook says we are in fact required to listen to both stories before making a decision.




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- support, No Format. By the way, staff do listen to both sides and if they don't you may report that specific incident if you feel the staff is in the wrong, However Listening to both sides does NOT mean they are going to appeal a blacklist, etc just because you are "sorry" or you are "better now".

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-support for blacklisted members, people who get blacklisted aren't blacklisted for any small reason by smt hence why "blacklists aren't appealable" don't need to hear the other side of that really

That bald Aussie Guy

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No format

TBH to get blacklisted you have to say some fucked up shit or do something really fucked up .

Head Admin SCP-RP || Event Team Overseer || Ethics Committee || Ex Security FTO 1LT || Ex Security Warden || Ex CI R&D Senior Agent || UMC Guest [LVL 0] || Former Research Researcher || Former DORSU || Former DOC || Former LCZ Manager ||  I aM sPeCiAl || 

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Well this guy got blacklisted for not complying with staff. Which I was there when this even happened they got banned. Ajvick was banned 4 years ago but they never once cussed at the admin or give enough reason for blacklist. Bans like these I believe should be reviewed. I'm not saying all blacklists should be reviewed because they are people who deserve to be banned. Even though this isn't a proper format please at least take this information into consideration.


Also they were never staff with gaminglight btw. 

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- Support

I would not recommend arguing about things in the comments. Staff members will listen to both sides of the story. The case you brought up of that ban appeal, it got denied, and that's that. Arguing about it won't get it changed, nor will making a suggestion with no basis or any sort of effort. SMT doesn't just blacklist without a valid reason. Some blacklists are appealed, but its very very rare with certain criteria. 

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~Beelzebub | Gaminglight Member Since 2016
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