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Senku ban appeal (Idk where i need to poste it)


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Steam Name: Senku 


Ingame Name: Senku

Ban Length: Permaban 

Admin that Banned you:Noah lee

Reason for Ban:"Anti Semitism" 

Dispute:I dont want to dispute with ban reason. I did something really terrible . There was a birthday boi event. I was playing on a jugg and i was on a teamspeak channel. When they saw a kid they started to screaming about killing a child.Im so sorry about that line but i  dont want to write it here. I dont have anything to jews or any other nation. I want to play on this server because it was really fun to play on it. In my opinion Ban Length is to long.I also want to say i got blacklisted from security but thats for another appeal I did very bad thing but still permaban for one word is to long. Please dont unban me, i need to get punishment. You can set my ban to 3 or 4 months. I will never do it again. I just want to return on a server because that 6 months of playing was the best 6 months of my life. Goodbye

Edited by Senku



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13 minutes ago, Senku said:

Yes for this too i know

-Support for now,
I'm sorry but it is NOT Anti-Semitism for saying "Kill the child" as a matter of fact I have said the before with MULTIPLE SMT around and I wasn't punished in the slightest.

Edit- Support now neutral due to what was said but people have said worse and gotten even a verbal to formal, never seen a perm for something small. (I know it's TECH not SMALL but it isn't the worst. Even Racism is 1 week.)

Edited by [GL] Mike



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11 minutes ago, [GL] Mike said:

-Support for now,
I'm sorry but it is NOT Anti-Semitism for saying "Kill the child" as a matter of fact I have said the before with MULTIPLE SMT around and I wasn't punished in the slightest.

But i said kill a kid and take him to aus***tz
And thats why there is anti semitism here and sorry i said that but i wrote it only for you to know

Edited by Senku



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So the reason that he was hit with a Anti Semitism Perm ban is he stated that he didn't put in the original comment, but later added it in a reply was as followed: 

Senku : "Burn the kid"
min or so later
Senku : "Lets take him to the aushwic" as seen in this screen shot https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2428098960 
Upon bring this situation to SMT and JMT, the punishment decided was to be a permaban
Also the other gentlemen in this screen shot was also dealt with as well.

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We've given verbal warnings for this type of behavior before, or simple 1 week bans instead of Perma's. 
I do however believe it to be mentionable that you have been banned before for racism in crash chat.

I think a standard 1 week ban would suffice for this, as I do not think this was said maliciously, but more as a stupid attempt at a bad joke.


"Without morals, are we truly any better than the things we've set ourselves to contain?"

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1 minute ago, Phillers said:

We've given verbal warnings for this type of behavior before, or simple 1 week bans instead of Perma's. 
I do however believe it to be mentionable that you have been banned before for racism in crash chat.

I think a standard 1 week ban would suffice for this, as I do not think this was said maliciously, but more as a stupid attempt at a bad joke.


I agree with Phill. 

Free From GL ❤️

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After reviewing the evidence and testimony provided, as well as the player's previous record, I've elected to reduce the ban from permanent to a one month ban. Joking about the holocaust is absolutely unacceptable and a form of anti-semitism, that much isn't in question. While it is true that previous incidents of similar misconduct verbal warnings have sufficed, we also must take into account the player's previous history. The player in question has perviously received a warning and ban for using racist language in the crash chat. In normal circumstances, two or more racism/homophobia/etc incidents results in a permeant ban. However, based on the low level of this specific incident, I've elected to issue a one month ban as a final warning for this type of misconduct. Any further misconduct of this type will result in a permeant ban from the SCPRP server.

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