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Player Report - The Hunter

Kenneth Slick

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Your in game name: Slick 

Your Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:79707346 

The player's in game name: The Hunter 

The player's steam ID (required): STEAM_0:0:572064922

Date and Time This Incident Occurred: 

3/2/2021 1:12:22 PM EST

What did the player do:

Go into CI base and tranq people as an MTF Stealth Operative, with no raid going on.  

Evidence(required): https://medal.tv/clips/45424130/hAr60AYVXLlH

What do you believe should happen to the player:

A Warn for FailRP (going into CI base as foundation with no ongoing raid, tranqing humans) and possible blacklist from MTF stealth Operative.

Any extra information: I was unable to as a staff member take care of this then and there, I was provided this evidence by Whisper. 

Edited by Kenneth Slick


Current : Nothing

Ex MTF E11 1LT Slick | Senior Admin - Support I


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                Former CI CPT|  Guts Mexican                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       


                              “I will protect those who cannot protect themselves. ”

                               —Second Ideal of the Windrunners

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Do we really need tranqs at this point? I suppose we use them for 939 and 682 (Maybe, I don't know if that rule has changed). I just feel like they do more harm than good 😕

Free From GL ❤️

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7 hours ago, Sparkle said:

4K quality blatancy? They getting real bold.



                                                                             Chad of many names       Professional Shit talker


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