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WireMod Suddgestion Maybe? - Denied


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What you want to see? - WireMod Enabled to use Wire Text Screens!?

Why should we add it? - To enable and allow people to use wire text screens aswell as the normal text screens!

What are the advantages of having this? - Being able to make Wire Text screens for your bases and RP Buildings aswell as the Normal Text screens and with the Wire Text Screens you can use them for likes if your on any gun Dealer jobs and any other job that sells items and showing the prices up on the wire text screen for people when they come in to stores and see all the prices!

Who is it mainly for? - Everyone? If not Restrict it to Platinum VIP only!

Links to any content - https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=160250458&searchtext=Wiremod



Preview of Wire Text Screens!







Edited by Ecott
adding in screenshots to my post

DF Commander | CERT CO Commander | Gaming Light Legend Mr Top Donator




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++/- Support
I always go on gmod sandbox to use wiremod and I would love to see wiremod in Police RP

Though I have no idea how it would affect the server.

No it's not "Nano" or "Noah" it's just "Nao"

EX S.W.A.T Commander

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  • Head Admin


3D2D Textscreens works well as is and while it may look nice, it will only add an extra 45mb of code the server has to load every time it restarts (compared to the 0.039mb for 3D2D Textscreens).


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5 hours ago, Will said:


3D2D Textscreens works well as is and while it may look nice, it will only add an extra 45mb of code the server has to load every time it restarts (compared to the 0.039mb for 3D2D Textscreens).


Its Parry

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5 hours ago, Will said:


3D2D Textscreens works well as is and while it may look nice, it will only add an extra 45mb of code the server has to load every time it restarts (compared to the 0.039mb for 3D2D Textscreens).

Yeah I know n get that of the normal text screens but ur missing point what I said despite the legit text screens can easily say KOS and what not etc but it be nicer and easier of likes of Jobs that sell weapons/items and show them on a screen then every time going into F4 menu to tell different people of prices of all the items etc

I’m not Doing this as such for my personal preference but it can potentially can be Benofficial  on the server etc

Aswell as the MB size being quite HUGE u can potentially like compress/limit down the stuff in the pack and just get the Wire Text Screen only then everything else that’s in the content pack of “WireMod” etc

Edited by Ecott
Adding more words to original

DF Commander | CERT CO Commander | Gaming Light Legend Mr Top Donator




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