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materials inventory increase - Denied


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evening everyone hope everythings going great, for my suggestion basically i believe that the d class inventory for mining materials should be increased to at the least 100 of each material, my first reason for this is that the smith and wesson 500 (a revolver which is very low level) costs 15 iron to construct but you can only hold a maximum of 32 iron, this meaning you would be able to craft only two of these low level revolvers before having to go back down and spend at least 15 minutes grabbing more materials, or you could buy them (they are not cheap) My second point is that its not only the revolver here, its all the weapons that are craftable, they all cost alot of materials and you cannot hold very much. therefor i suggest that the materials inventory is increased to reduce the amount of times people have to go down to the mine over and over which can become very very frustrating escpecially for those lvl 30 suppliers who wish to make moola by selling weapons. thank you all for reading and thanks for your time -stonksman


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First off, didn't follow formant, look here

Second, this suggestion has been denied in the past, look here

And, I'm -Supporting this for the same reason. We don't want people to stock up on Materials then make 6 lives worth of weapons against Security.

Also, it could make money easier to get, thus ruining the economy.

Current: None

Former: Security Sergeant Major (and SFC), Director of Logistics, Alpha-1 Private First Class, CI Mil Private First Class (and E4 C6), Nu7 Lance Corporal, CI RnD Supervisory Agent (and EOI F3) 

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