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Security Roll Call [1/2 - 1/9]


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Name: Blarg


SteamID(Ex: STEAM_0:1:174348602): STEAM_0:1:78144682

Current Sub-Branches your in: Riot Control and Sniper and FTO (JFTO)

Why should you retain your rank (Command ONLY | 150+ words): Not command

Any Notes, Questions, or Concerns?: nope

SCPRP Former Head Of Medical Staff | "I was hom" | PhD in botching surgeries
ImperialRP Former 69th Medical Corps Senior Commander and Former Commander "What do you mean the patient needs to have a spine to survive?"-Some researcher (probably)  Former ImperialRP Senior Admin


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On 1/2/2021 at 10:23 PM, Sixx said:

Security New Years Roll Call
January 2nd - January 9th

Rollcall is now active. If you are in security and wish to retain your rank, you must respond by January 9th, 5:00pm EST.

All ranks from LCPL to COL are 
REQUIRED to respond to this roll call or you will be removed from the roster, as well as the discord.

Additionally, make sure you are in the discord or you will be removed from the roster regardless of your response to roll call.

Discord Invite: https://discord.gg/VQWT4b2k

Format for Response:



SteamID(Ex: STEAM_0:1:174348602):

Current Sub-Branches your in: 

Why should you retain your rank (Command ONLY | 150+ words):

Any Notes, Questions, or Concerns?: 

Disclaimer: If you lie about your rank or what Sub-Branches your in, you will be subject to a FULL removal from security.

Name: KennyBr

Rank: SGT

SteamID:  STEAM_0:1:185477928

Current Sub-Branches your in: JFTO,Riot Control and Sniper.

Why should you retain your rank (Command ONLY | 150+ words):  Not command

Any Notes, Questions, or Concerns?:  None 🙂

Edited by KennyBr_Forum_GamingLight
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Name: Sprink

Rank: MAJ

SteamID: STEAM_0:1:433844802

Current Sub-Branches your in: FTO, Wardens, Sniper, Riot Control, Juggernaut.

Why should you retain your rank (Command ONLY | 150+ words): I believe I should retain my rank for an influx of reasons such has I am active on the server, I help keep all of Security in order and in check, and I keep the FTO branch alive and in good shape. Not only does my HFTO position show my leadership skills and responsibility but, I also enjoy being one and I love the program as a whole. I also make sure to help out other command members with all sorts of things such as PT's, off-meetings, and just general everyday questions. Yes, I might now be the perfect model command member but, I try my best to do my duties and lead Security as a whole to a better place. Not only do I like my position I love Security as a whole and it is my main branch and always will be. I have been here in Security for almost a year now and I would not like to stop now.

Any Notes, Questions, or Concerns?: After 500 members we finally do a roll call.


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Name: Nexious

Rank: LCPL

SteamID(Ex: STEAM_0:1:174348602): STEAM_0:1:161921200

Current Sub-Branches your in: None

Why should you retain your rank (Command ONLY | 150+ words): N/A

Any Notes, Questions, or Concerns?: I don't got any

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4 minutes ago, Peeky Blue Boi said:


Steam ID:76561198846313815

Thats not a SteamID, to find out your Steam ID open up console in Garrys mod -> type "rp_lookup (in game name)" -> then copy your Steam ID and edit your response! If you need any additional help people talk to any Security CMD! 

[ SCP RP ] Director of Research & Security || Armored Shield Award Winner || First Head Warden & HOPO || Security Artillery Unit || D-7025 || D-Class High Council || Former Head of Security || Former Admin || Former Event Team Member



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Name: Leshark

Rank: LCPL

SteamID: STEAM_0:0:23764146

Current Sub-Branches your in:  none

Why should you retain your rank (Command ONLY | 150+ words): I just started playing on this server last week so I'd like to continue enjoying security

Any Notes, Questions, or Concerns?: 


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Name: Dustin

Rank: Sergeant (JFTO)

SteamID: STEAM_0:1:169500625

Current Sub-Branches your in: Riot Control

Any Notes, Questions, or Concerns?: Gonna Kill me Some D-Bois

|RRH Tango 63| CI RND AIN Rusty BSA192 | EOI | Head Medical Research | DHFTO |




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Name: Peter Concord


SteamID(Ex: STEAM_0:1:174348602): 76561198993481204

Current Sub-Branches your in: Sniper and riot control

Why should you retain your rank (Command ONLY | 150+ words):

Any Notes, Questions, or Concerns?: Can wardens be instead of 2 peole out of the 10 to 4 people out of the 10. Because Wardens are essential to LCZ, sometimes there is none on when we really need it, so i think we need to increase the number of wardens recruited by 2. Tp expand it and get more wardens on the job when we need it. 

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Name: Apollo

Rank: SGT

SteamID: STEAM_0:0:526404786

Current Sub-Branches your in: Riot, Sniper,

Any Notes, Questions, or Concerns?: Nope.

Former IF SL | Former Omi-9 SPC | Former DT PFC | Former FBI SA | Current GENSEC SGT | Current Nu-7 LCPL | F for CWLRP | Former IMP Mod and Gamemaster | F for Omi-9 |

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