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Allow Senior Admin+ to use the !spectate command - Denied


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  • Head Admin

What you want to see? - Allow Senior Admin+ to use the !spectate command.

Why should we add it? - Currently the !spectate command is restricted to Superadmin+ which has affected the staff team's overall performance, making it harder for us to watch or spectate people (without flying right next to them) and enforce some rules. Since Senior Admin is basically the trial version of Superadmin, I don't really see why it should be restricted to management only if lower ranking staff members could better utilize the tool and use it more frequently. Maybe in the future (if this is approved) it could be moved down to lower ranks such as Admin, but I feel its best to take baby steps while trying to reintroduce this.

What are the advantages of having this? - Greatly increases the effectiveness of the staff team and allows us to watch players without hovering next to them while noclipped (which may become problematic in close quarters.

Who is it mainly for? - Senior Admin and above

Links to any content - N/A

Edited by Will


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