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Loomis Ban Appeal


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Steam Name: MrLoomis

SteamID: STEAM_0:0:228279291

Ingame Name: Loomis

Ban Length: 1 Week

Admin that Banned you: [GL]Sprink

Reason for Ban: Homophobia And Antisemitism

Dispute: Ok, I did not know playing an offensive song was such a  horrible  offense, I did not look at the MOTD and see any rule about it, I am sorry for that, I will read the rules.  I would also like to apologize to Sprink for being a bit disrespectful, I just wanted to play some music to get some laughs from my fellow d class.
But now I know not to play such offensive songs, or say such offensive things. I do not wish the death of any minority group, and I am sorry for anyone I may have offended. I request that my ban be removed or at least shortened, Thank you.

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