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Michal's SCM application


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Name: Michal Reece

Current Rank: Lead researcher

Time in Research : I’m just going to go off of when I created my forums account which was October eight

Why should you be research command, AKA what can you bring to the table that the rest of command can't? (100-word minimum): What I can bring to command is that I don't have a life  this means that I can be on constantly. Another thing that I can bring to the command table that others can't is the fact that I don't play any other games right now so allof my time will go into this, I feel that I could handle the responsibilities of this role if you will let me. And finally why I think I am most fit for the role is and try to hear out everyone regardless of rank in an argument  I will try my hardest to be fair and just and hear every persons point of view before coming up with a verdict on a subject. I have seen before people just saying screw it and breaking rules because it was to much effort for them to simply get an escort for their test or hey let's just not close bunk doors and if I got this posistion I could finally hand out discipline without alarming other command which chould have better things to be doing at that exact moment. I also have very few warning in game and most of them we're from when I was just starting out and I have never been banned from the server. I can tell you that the entire time im in a command posistion I will act like it and will refrain from doing stupid shit as much as possible If I get the role I can promise you I will not dissapoint I will be on as late as possible so that people can have someone of command to go to when someone's breaking rules late at night and it isn't an admin problem i've had this happen to me many times before. I do get it if you are hesitant to let me have this role I get that I have done things in the past that have made me seem inadequate for this position but, please believe me when I say that I have changed if you think I need more time I do understand.

What will you do to make research more active and better? (100 word minimum)(Tangible items like activity, expertise or the ability to run trainings, etc): If I have the correct amount of power I can promise you I will be running very frequent mass tests I feel that this will help the research branch improve.  I think personally some people will be very encouraged to flag on if I say for example that im hosting a mass test sometime today I feel that many junior andars some of the people newer to the research branch will flag on and people will get a time to prove their worth to the foundation and get a promotion if they deserve it. And that is how I think I could help improve the research branch in a whole. And I am whitelisted for the RRA and I feel that people I have trained have turned to be very dedicated to the research branch in a whole and I have hosted training late at night meaning that people don't have to wait until tommorow to get traine which at that point usually the lose interest meaning that we lost a potentially brilliant mind  and they will probably leave the server in a whole from how boring it is sitting around as a D-class at 3 in the morning. Another thing I will try to do to make the research branch better and more effective is to be there to help newly trained juniors who just plain don't understand something because if they don't ask they might just assume an answer and get a warn and that stays forever or even a strike which is just as bad if not worse.

Edited by gdmeadows1
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Unfortunately, I do not think you're ready for command. You have had numerous occasions where you minged, one time you opened a "D Class Drivethrough" where you made D Class serve food to Foundation Personnel. Which is not professional what so ever. Also I believe you did advertise your Event Team Application as well. The only redeemable quality you have is your ability to host mass tests and control the environment during these, but I feel like your downsides overweigh the upsides.

Sorry, but its a no from me. Good luck though!

 Foundation Archivist | Operations Supervisor | SCP-RP Senior Admin Forums Diplomat | Support 1 |

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32 minutes ago, Squash said:


Unfortunately, I do not think you're ready for command. You have had numerous occasions where you minged, one time you opened a "D Class Drivethrough" where you made D Class serve food to Foundation Personnel. Which is not professional what so ever. Also I believe you did advertise your Event Team Application as well. The only redeemable quality you have is your ability to host mass tests and control the environment during these, but I feel like your downsides overweigh the upsides.

Sorry, but its a no from me. Good luck though!


Admin For SCPRP , Vice Commander In Nu-7.

Former Major/Head FTO In Omicron-9


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On 11/22/2020 at 8:11 PM, BryanDaBold said:




+Runs good mass tests

+cool dude


-Has a bad history of mingy ness 

-relatively new, requires more experience



Retired Marshall


Retired Foundation Doctor

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