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King's LT Application 11/22/20


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Rank You are Applying For:Lieutenant


In-Game Name:King


Current Rank:SM

How long have you been in your current rank?:About 9 Months

What timezone are you in?:CST (Central Standard Time)

How many Warns do you have?:4

Why should you be promoted (150 words Minimum):

-To Start off I have been with PD for a long time i have come from a Cadet to a Corporal all the way up to Sergeant Major I have made and lost many friends along the way to SM I have done my best in this department and that's how i have gotten to this rank when i joined this department i had a goal a goal to make it to command and be a rolemodel to lower ranks then me even SM & MSGT I should be promoted because I want people to ask me questions so i can give them or find the answer to their question I want people to mess up so they can learn from their mistakes I should be Promoted cause I am a Decorated Officer I want to Help People I want to take that OFC on a ride along I want to be the Person that can try to be the best that they can be i have been I have come so Far in this Department and This is where i want to be i want to help people that is my goal if i become a LT. -King

You agree that disobeying any rules set by High Command will result in an immediate demotion (Yes/No):Yes i understand



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No hard feelings king but:

app looks very rushed

Not active AT ALL from what ive seen

Somewhat immature

I think you need to fix these things and then you will be ready for command. Seriously though, you came on for 30 minutes and then posted this.


Former: Dispatch Director | PD MAJ | SCU CPT | FBI SAIC/HRT/DEA | SCO19


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6 minutes ago, jackyman21 said:


No hard feelings king but:

app looks very rushed

Not active AT ALL from what ive seen

Somewhat immature

I think you need to fix these things and then you will be ready for command. Seriously though, you came on for 30 minutes and then posted this.


Delta Force~PPD
 Ex SS Deputy Assistant Director~Ex SRT SGT~Ex Swat MSGT

Ex SNR Mod/Senior Event Team


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Major -Support

I've seen you on once and that is the day you posted this application

Application looks rushed

Just because you get on once doesn't mean you should get promoted

PD CPL | FBI SA | DEA ASAC | DEA FTO | SS SO | Scythes Of Paradise Lord

People will do you wrong over and over, but the one time you call them out your suddenly the bad guy.” - Juice WRLD

"Yesterday, today was tomorrow. And tomorrow, today will be yesterday." - George Harrison


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- I personally have never seen you on when I patrol
- I haven't personally see you get on to take OFC's/ or train cadets.
-Haven't seen you at PD meetings either.
-The part where you explain why you want to join Command seems really rushed, and in my personal opinion does not express a valid reason to be in Command.

There's always a time and place for everything. Spend some time to really work on being more active on PD and your rank. Then come back and apply with those things in mind.

"Work Hard, Be kind, and amazing things will happen." -Conan O' Brien

Edited by [GL] Spoon

USMS HC | PD Major  | SYP Owner

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