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Exp R Darbys HMR Application


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Experienced Researcher Darby

Why have you chosen to pursue specializing in studying biologically hazardous materials?
I have chosen to pursue Biological Hazards due to the reason that in all cases the SCPs that fall under the category Bio-Hazards are generally deadlier which instead of doing small tests on them I would like to do larger scale tests on how to minimize breaches and hot spots, find out new affects of the SCP and create Bio-Weapons for use on escaped Keter SCPs such as SCP-682. I would be able to do a lot more risky tests as HMR due to the bio-hazard protection equipment given to them and would be able to prove more useful at teaching lower Researchers better protocols during hazardous materials testing and containment. Recently I have been studying and researching biologically hazardous SCPs in order to be able to protect myself and other foundation staff in the case of a biologically hazardous incident or breach. I am also very committed to the Research team and most loyal to the foundation which allows me to do detailed tests and be able to put more research and time into biologically hazardous SCPs. I am also extremely active in the Site for roughly 6 hours a day and on call if I am ever needed to give a helping hand or do some research, this will allow me to do many more detailed tests every day and still have the time to recruit new researchers and do other tasks required.

Have you produced any documents pertaining to biologically hazardous SCPs?
Yes, they will be below.

- Associate Researcher -
SCP-049 Test: https://gaminglight.com/forums/topic/66068-associate-researcher-darbys-test-on-scp-049/
SCP-008 Test: https://gaminglight.com/forums/topic/66067-associate-researcher-darbys-test-on-scp-008/
SCP-008 & SCP-500 Cross Test: https://gaminglight.com/forums/topic/66072-associate-researcher-darbys-test-on-scp-008-scp-500/

- Experienced Researcher -
SCP-008 & SCP-049 Cross Test: https://gaminglight.com/forums/topic/66159-experienced-researcher-darbys-test-on-scp-008-scp-049/
Offsite SCP-020 & SCP-049 Cross Test: https://gaminglight.com/forums/topic/66161-experienced-researcher-darbys-offsite-cross-test-on-scp-020-scp-049/

There may be more tests added soon.


Edited by Fuse Danger
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While i haven't personally seen you on the server as research, You seem dedicated enough to be active and stay active, While i dont currently have the time to read through all the test logs and their results, they seem to have a good amount of effort put into all 5 of them when i skimmed through the test logs, And your the first person I've seen include a offsite bio hazardous test in your HMR app, So because i don't see any problems with this app and you don't have a history of minging or being toxic or anything like that, I'll give a +support for now.

[SCP RP] Former Research Administrator | Research Field Agent | Chair Professor of RRA - Former RRH Analyst 'November 1' -- MTF Nu7 Second Lieutenant  Senior Event Team Member - Former Admin

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