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scp rp ban appeal


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Steam Name:  notjoemama

SteamID: Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:94817263

Ingame Name: beepboop

Ban Length: 5 days

Admin that Banned you: hope under behalf of sprink

Reason for Ban: mass rdm/ardm  x7 

Dispute: 2 of the "rdmes" were on accident the other 5 were me playfully killing my friend, an admin brought him to the sit and he said he did not care that I killed him, the admin did not let me say my side of what happened and proceeded to tell me to shut up then gagged then banned me (sprink) he said that I already explained but I never did get to explain why I killed my friend 5 times it was playfully and the two times that I didn't kill him  were when I did NOT know that I could not suicide and I told them to back up or they they would get damaged by the blast radius,

I apologize that I didn't know that I could not have fun with my friend or reset myself, I hope you can forgive me for what I did and possibly reduce or terminate the ban, have a good day/night

Miss wording 

Edited by Spyingfeather
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Ok so now for my side of the story. 

First all the part where you said you killed people on accident and killed your friend in bunks. Of course I am going to still punish you if you are throwing explosive devices inside MTF spawn and killing people with them even if the person does not care it is still RDM and you are injuring other people. Second when you said I didn't let you speak is also COMPLETELY false also. I gave him countless times to speak and I even gave him a good 3 minutes of time to talk when I was looking through logs. I even asked the people who made the report where I had to bring him and I asked if I gave him a chance to speak and they said yes.  Also something that you did not mention is that you reset yourself at least 3 times with explosives which is not aloud in a public area. This was put in the warn as failrp. Now the final part is why I gagged him at the end before he got banned. I am not going to tolerate someone insulting me while I am trying to talk and discuss with the higher up's about the length of the ban and of course the reason. In my opinion you should wait your 5 days and think about what you did wrong before you can come back to the server with a fresh mind. Also something that I didnt mention was other admins on the server wanted me to add into the warn "staff disrespect" but I didn't because I thought you would learn your lesson with this 5 day punishment and that it would not be needed. Sorry this is the last thing now but you have no proof in anyway shape or form of this incident that I can see in the appeal.


Edited by Sprinklertek


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22 minutes ago, Sprinklertek said:

Ok so now for my side of the story. 

First all the part where you said you killed people on accident and killed your friend in bunks. Of course I am going to still punish you if you are throwing explosive devices inside MTF spawn and killing people with them even if the person does not care it is still RDM and you are injuring other people. Second when you said I didn't let you speak is also COMPLETELY false also. I gave him countless times to speak and I even gave him a good 3 minutes of time to talk when I was looking through logs. I even asked the people who made the report where I had to bring him and I asked if I gave him a chance to speak and they said yes.  Also something that you did not mention is that you reset yourself at least 3 times with explosives which is not aloud in a public area. This was put in the warn as failrp. Now the final part is why I gagged him at the end before he got banned. I am not going to tolerate someone insulting me while I am trying to talk and discuss with the higher up's about the length of the ban and of course the reason. In my opinion you should wait your 5 days and think about what you did wrong before you can come back to the server with a fresh mind. Also something that I didnt mention was other admins on the server wanted me to add into the warn "staff disrespect" but I didn't because I thought you would learn your lesson with this 5 day punishment and that it would not be needed. Sorry this is the last thing now but you have no proof in anyway shape or form of this incident that I can see in the appeal.


You fucking told me to shut the fuck up AND GAGGED ME


23 minutes ago, Sprinklertek said:

Ok so now for my side of the story. 

First all the part where you said you killed people on accident and killed your friend in bunks. Of course I am going to still punish you if you are throwing explosive devices inside MTF spawn and killing people with them even if the person does not care it is still RDM and you are injuring other people. Second when you said I didn't let you speak is also COMPLETELY false also. I gave him countless times to speak and I even gave him a good 3 minutes of time to talk when I was looking through logs. I even asked the people who made the report where I had to bring him and I asked if I gave him a chance to speak and they said yes.  Also something that you did not mention is that you reset yourself at least 3 times with explosives which is not aloud in a public area. This was put in the warn as failrp. Now the final part is why I gagged him at the end before he got banned. I am not going to tolerate someone insulting me while I am trying to talk and discuss with the higher up's about the length of the ban and of course the reason. In my opinion you should wait your 5 days and think about what you did wrong before you can come back to the server with a fresh mind. Also something that I didnt mention was other admins on the server wanted me to add into the warn "staff disrespect" but I didn't because I thought you would learn your lesson with this 5 day punishment and that it would not be needed. Sorry this is the last thing now but you have no proof in anyway shape or form of this incident that I can see in the appeal.


Also i was not insulting you 


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Sprinks side of the story check out for me and if you feel you were unfairly treated my sprink some proof would help gauge the situation.

SCP-RP: Commander of Epsilon-11 || Chaos Insurgency Captain || Senior Admin ||  Forums Diplomat || Rho-36 Arcane Autonomous Scout ||

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9 hours ago, [GL] Zeus said:


Sprinks side of the story check out for me and if you feel you were unfairly treated my sprink some proof would help gauge the situation.


Unless you got proof the app is gonna get denied anyways you always need proof for stuff like this

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