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My last week here , hoping for the best.- Denied


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Steam Name:  ANGXL


SteamID: STEAM_0:1:422488490

Ban Length: They made it a month then 2 weeks 😕  im banned for A WHOLE 14 days 😞 

Admin that Banned you: will 

Reason for Ban: it says "Exploiting"

Dispute: ok im going to explain everything and hopefully someone understands me , if you know me and saw me in game you know im not someone who has bad intentions for this server as its legit the only one i play every single day youve probably seen me before , ok so im going to try to write this short as possible , so it was me and my IRL friend playing at 1 am and we were just messing around and found a base to raid so we go to the base but i crashed my GTR and had 92 HP , me and my friend decided to just make sure we had maxed out health and armour so went towards hospital , we pick up HP no need for armour , HOWEVER he told me "john my healths bugged out again tf" i remember the last things that happened crystal clear , and worst part is this HP bullshit kept happening to him AND MY HEALTH HIT 130?! so i noticed our healths both bugged out and we were debating if we should reset before raid so we dont get in trouble now i didnt think twice and thought its okay to continue with it and i had 2 weapons i didnt want to lose so i said "bro its 1 am its alright theyll fix the glitch soon lets just go raid with it" NOTE we BOTH stole novas 4 days ago from today at a deputy building there was like this group of sheriffs i belive and 1 swat , i know this was an awful unintelligent thing for us to do but we wanted fun however im sorry for that it got confiscated later on , now we go to raid and yes i know what i did was messed up for having a nova and also the fact i didnt reset while my health was bugged out , anyways we continue to raid this one guy , we couldnt find anything and we looked through the window to see this SWAT and we were like " yo lets runaway and run back and continue raiding 5 minutes later " I KNOW I SHOULDVE WAITED COOLDOWN it was 1 am we didnt think twice once again im truly sorry for this dumb thing i did anyways we come back to the same base and killed the swat using the nova , it was my first time using it against someone , now obviously we got put in a sit after since we raided same base and the guy reported which i appreciate what he did , however the mod saw the health bug still on us AND the nova and we both got sent to a roof , then mod says "im bringing someone wait" a higher up shows up and tells me "you sir are getting banned for a whole month for exploiting" i started freaking out on my mic telling him " WAIT NO IM NOT A EXPLOITER LET ME TELL YOU WHAT HAPPEN- banned for "Exploiting" this sucks since i couldnt even breathe to tell Will why our health was bugged out , and since yesterday ive been dwelling sadly and just trying to find a server to play and ive been doing nothing at all i cant even find something to do and i just feel darked out and left out , im actually really sorry for not resetting and continuing with the HP thing I DIDNT THINK IT WOULD BE SO BAD but the novas i can understand and im actually sorry once again for real 😞 PLEASE GUYS UNDERSTAND IM NOT A EXPLOITER I DIDNT MEAN FOR THE HP TO BUG OUT I JUST DIDNT WANT TO LOSE WEAPONS AND CONTINUED WITH RAID please i hope someone understands where im coming from im in sorrow rn i have no games to play anymore , i play 10 hours A DAY on PoliceRP GamingLight. 




LAST NOTE: i was going to leave games 1 week later since i have IRL issues i need to fight with , all i wanted to do is just play out my last week for real , if i dont get unbanned then im never going to be seen again and the ban wont even matter 😞 , please dont leave me out like this im seriously hoping someone can talk to me about this 

if i dont come back and get left out , i wish nothing but the BEST for everyone in the server , - ANGXL , goodbye everyone 😕❤️ 

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Ok so I was the staff member that originally took this to a sit I saw Jump and his friend raiding with nova on hacker and blood so I went into spectate were I saw that jump was at 140 health and his friends at 113 raiding with a nova after the raid was over I took jump and his friend to a sit and I told will to come to me. will and I talked to jump for like 10 minutes and me and will went into spectate to see that jump still had 112 health after the raid. then we cuff him and check his inventory were we see that he also still has a nova we did the same with his friend but he had died so he had no nova and didn't have the health so I couldn't prove he did any exploits so he didn't get banned but jump did. I'm sorry to hear that your going to have to leave the community but that's not an excuse to be un banned we all mess up and we all have to deal with the consequences. I feel that the ban is valid and should stay.

 PD SM | SWAT LT | SL Consigliere 

MLG Pro Negev player 



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20 minutes ago, ~𝓢𝓞𝓤𝓛~ said:

Ok so I was the staff member that originally took this to a sit I saw Jump and his friend raiding with nova on hacker and blood so I went into spectate were I saw that jump was at 140 health and his friends at 113 raiding with a nova after the raid was over I took jump and his friend to a sit and I told will to come to me. will and I talked to jump for like 10 minutes and me and will went into spectate to see that jump still had 112 health after the raid. then we cuff him and check his inventory were we see that he also still has a nova we did the same with his friend but he had died so he had no nova and didn't have the health so I couldn't prove he did any exploits so he didn't get banned but jump did. I'm sorry to hear that your going to have to leave the community but that's not an excuse to be un banned we all mess up and we all have to deal with the consequences. I feel that the ban is valid and should stay.

You had a second chance.  this ban needs to stay in place because it is a valid punishment.

   SPRT Staff SGT                           OG SGT                                          State MSTRSGT                                          


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my friend got a warning and i got banned for 2 weeks....guys you cant assume that i attempted to exploit , and my friend didnt? we BOTH didnt know what to do when we had that extra health , just because we accidentally had that extra health didnt mean that i wanted to exploit!! i just didnt want to reset for the 3rd time and it gets annoying when this glitch happens 


on top of that soul , you DID NOT talk for 10 minutes you didnt even give me a chance to speak at ALL , you just brought me to roof , called will and will banned me ON THE SPOT and my friend was told "not to do that again" I NEVER DID THIS BULLSHIT IN THE FIRST PLACE AND I GET BANNED INSTANTLY?!?! THIS IS UNFAIR CMON UNDERSTAND I DIDNT MEAN THIS , please im not trying to minge , exploit , any of those accusations against me i am NOT a bad person , just please let me have a second chance i only have 6 days left and i know me leaving isnt a excuse its just the fact you told will that i "exploited" but i never had this issue before , i never got a second chance from the jump but you assumed my friend can have one?! i was accused straight up.


my last time saying this , im TRULY sorry , i just want to rp and have fun , not be a bad look 😞💔 



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-history of minging 

-has 11 warns including one for racism

Good luck!


            R Imperial RP General =-= Retired GM-SNR Admin =-= Staff of the month Oct. 2020

                              Shock VCMDR/CMDR  |  January 23 - August 29th 

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stone i know you dont know me at all especially in IRL so first off brother im no where near racist , that was my first warning from my first hour in game because i didnt know you cant talk personal to your friends like ay whats up my "word" ok? i was told i wasnt allowed to do that and i completly understand it doesnt make me racist , i dont minge in any way. if you have a video of me doing so id love to watch it , i record myself and ill show all my clips of playing and i doubt youll find any minging i take rp serious and fun i dont like minges either 


i literally had you get a strike for player dissing and your calling me mingy , please dont do that i have another clip of you player dissing and im not gonna deal with you rn as i perosnally dont belive i should worry about what you have to say about me , have a good day man also most of my warns were about first time incidents ive never gotten second chances at all. clearly you have more advantages use them wisely and be more respectful yea?


i literally give away money as donations for people in game (including you) and to cops when ever i have a nice rp incident , im NOT EVEN CLOSE to a bad person , once again


you dont know me. , take care yo ❤️ 

Edited by ANGXL
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25 minutes ago, ANGXL said:

stone i know you dont know me at all especially in IRL so first off brother im no where near racist , that was my first warning from my first hour in game because i didnt know you cant talk personal to your friends like ay whats up my "word" ok? i was told i wasnt allowed to do that and i completly understand it doesnt make me racist , i dont minge in any way. if you have a video of me doing so id love to watch it , i record myself and ill show all my clips of playing and i doubt youll find any minging i take rp serious and fun i dont like minges either 


i literally had you get a strike for player dissing and your calling me mingy , please dont do that i have another clip of you player dissing and im not gonna deal with you rn as i perosnally dont belive i should worry about what you have to say about me , have a good day man also most of my warns were about first time incidents ive never gotten second chances at all. clearly you have more advantages use them wisely and be more respectful yea?


i literally give away money as donations for people in game (including you) and to cops when ever i have a nice rp incident , im NOT EVEN CLOSE to a bad person , once again


you dont know me. , take care yo ❤️ 

You have multiple warns for the same offences, so idk how you are bringing up the argument of its all first time offences.
Even if it was first time, when you load into the server the MOTD pops up and when you close it, you agree to all its rules so it isnt a valid excuse

SCP-RP: Commander of Epsilon-11 || Chaos Insurgency Captain || Senior Admin ||  Forums Diplomat || Rho-36 Arcane Autonomous Scout ||

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16 hours ago, ~𝓢𝓞𝓤𝓛~ said:

Ok so I was the staff member that originally took this to a sit I saw Jump and his friend raiding with nova on hacker and blood so I went into spectate were I saw that jump was at 140 health and his friends at 113 raiding with a nova after the raid was over I took jump and his friend to a sit and I told will to come to me. will and I talked to jump for like 10 minutes and me and will went into spectate to see that jump still had 112 health after the raid. then we cuff him and check his inventory were we see that he also still has a nova we did the same with his friend but he had died so he had no nova and didn't have the health so I couldn't prove he did any exploits so he didn't get banned but jump did. I'm sorry to hear that your going to have to leave the community but that's not an excuse to be un banned we all mess up and we all have to deal with the consequences. I feel that the ban is valid and should stay.

You broke a rule. Just because you are leaving in a week doesn't mean you can get out of the punishment.

Its Parry

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seems like no one is understanding me , i never said me leaving is a excuse it was my goodbye if i dont make it back , 2. i said MOST of my warns were first times , 3. it was my first time breaking this specific rule MISTAKENGLY , my friend got warned instead of ban but i get instant banned?!?!



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- Support

-Has been problematic

-History of breaking rules

-Rule was broken with full knowledge it existed

It doesn't matter if you broke a rule accidentally. You fully knew that you were doing things that would be counted as exploiting. According to Soul your friend had no evidence hence he only got the punishment that he got. I would also recommend not arguing with people because it may get the page locked by a forum diplomat.

~Beelzebub | Gaminglight Member Since 2016
"If you want real happiness, you've got to find it for yourself! Not wait for someone to give it to you!"- Asuka Langley Soyru

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