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Drago's Test


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Unofficial Grade 100/100

Creativity 25/25  Hasn't been done before

Usefulness 25/25 Could be quite useful

Writing 24/25 Writing is quite good though a bit weird at times

Presentation 10/10 Looks quite good

Realism: 15/15 Combining painkillers probably would make a stronger one 
+1 Point for the realism of out budget

Current: None

Former: Security Sergeant Major (and SFC), Director of Logistics, Alpha-1 Private First Class, CI Mil Private First Class (and E4 C6), Nu7 Lance Corporal, CI RnD Supervisory Agent (and EOI F3) 

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Nice test!

[ SCP RP ] Director of Research & Security || Armored Shield Award Winner || First Head Warden & HOPO || Security Artillery Unit || D-7025 || D-Class High Council || Former Head of Security || Former Admin || Former Event Team Member



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