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Crystal ACM App


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1. What is your Ingame Name:Crystal

2. SteamID (steamid.xyz if you need to get it):    STEAM_0:0:503558612

3. Rank:Field Works Manager

4. Time on server:3 Weeks

5. Total strikes ever received:1 (Missing a Command Meeting)    

6. How many warns do you have on GL:  2 

7. Who gave you permission to apply:    Twix/Brick

8. On a scale of 1-10, how active are you?:  6-8

9. Why do you think you’re fit for ACM (60+ words):     I believe i should deserve this job to protect medbay usually for enlisted. I believe i have spent long in medical and i had MTF Expirence on 2 Branchs (Nu-7/E-11) i think that i wanna be ACM is it part of the Field Work and i believe i can use this to good use. Generally i would be on usually morning -1pm  then evening. I wish to atleast Assist Gensec/MTF When 1. Gensec having trouble containing D-block 2. MTF Need Medical Assistance that are on a Combat Enviorment.

10: (Bonus question, this is in no way required, but it gets you some brownie points) CI is currently raiding. You see an MTF E-11 CPL at 27% health running away from a fight. Just as you start to examine his condition, an MTF A1 Captain comes up to you and asks you to help them fend off the CI. What do you do?  . First i would prioritys on healing the injuried CPL. As if no there we're no attention on it. he would die soon but i would drag him to a safe place so generally it wouldnt be combat healing. After his condition is secured i would assist the A1 Captain on Defending the Raid and Heal other A1 Staff that are injured or Critical Condition.

Edited by Crystal

    [SCP:RP]Retired Assistant Head of Medical|Former E-11 SM|Former GamingLight Admin|Minge of :V| Former OM1

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-Uhh they meant ur medical rank not dontor rank

-He's active 

-He's also command so would be trusted 

-Mega nerd jk good at combat was in e11 doe

: V 

Former: Nu-7 Captain | Event Team Member | Maintenance Professional
Currently D-0007 

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-Good at the combats

-Nice persons

-was e11 tho



Truth is just a matter of perspective. The duty of every soldier is to protect the innocent ~Captain Price (Modern Warfare 2)

Former CMD Positions: E11 1LT, Medical Chief Manager, CI LT and SRIC, Alpha 1 CPL, RRH Squad Lead.

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