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Vlad romanovs RIG app

Former LR Monika Returned

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Full Name (Lore Name): Vlad Romanov III
Occupation(Rank): Senior researcher
Current SCP:RP  Level: 50
Requested Name(RIG Unit [1991] [Monika]):
Why should the foundation authorize your requested unit? (80 word minimum):  As Someone whos  active in research I have noticed people are in need of an active RIG unit ie all the Jrs that do tests without an escort.
But everything else aside i want to have a more active role in research and inprove the state of research by becoming an RIG.
I Have experience in security and those who have seen me in battle should know i am good at fighting when the situation reqires it so it should make me a good escort for research personel, i can also come up with RP scenarios on the fly. As an RIG i would do my dutys to the book. On top of me doing my normal dutys i would RP with people when not needed for escorting researchers for example i would rp with Medical personel to find new cures for unkown diseases another thing i would do is be a more active RIG Then most other rig units in the foundation and i would be an insperation to the lower ranks of what you can become.

Former Sargent Negev Line monika
RFA,HMR,RIG, Longest lasting LR
Field Researcher,

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