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Fix the D'Block Elevator - Closed


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A fix for the D'Block Elevator


Why should we add it?

It is hindering game-play for Dclass who are attempting to enter upper Dblock. 

It is adding more sits for staff, as players get stuck they require staff to fix them.

New players who are not informed/have no knowledge of this issue are getting stuck.


What are the advantages of having this?

It will partially remove stress/reduce workload on staff.

Dclass will no longer need to jump and hope they won't get caught by the elevator and will have an easier time entering upper Dblock.

New players won't continuously get caught out by this issue and will not affect their game-play while on SCP-RP.


Who is it mainly for?

Mainly for Dclass/New players.


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<\--------- Displaying the Issue on the Server ---------/>


0:10 - Standing still on the elevator gets the player stuck.

0:45 - Crouching on the elevator gets the player stuck.

1:15 - Running around continuously keeps the player from getting stuck. (Only way around this bug as of this moment)


<\--------- Remaking the Elevator In Hammer ---------/>

I decided to take it upon myself to see what was the issue in relation to the elevator,

My hypothesis is that I believe the elevator was made/Edited partially out of sync in relation to the Func_tracktrain and the path_track within hammer.

The elevator in Hammer is using a "func_tracktrain" which basically turns a world prop into a moving platform which follows along a certain track called a "path_track".


If you have any questions in relation to this post feel free to comment below!

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Well done and finding a fix 


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Noted! We have reviewed this issue with our servers and we will be working hard to fix it ASAP! Please allow up to a week for any bug fixes to occur as we go on a first come first serve basis. Thank you!

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