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SCP SWEPS - Accepted


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What you want to see? - 682 SWEP not to be DOG SHIT, either give him 939's swep, which is great btw it always hits.
I think if you made a copy of the 939 swep then make it lower your speed instead of raise it and buff the damage then copy the right click (charge ability) from 682s swep and put it on the right click of the 939 SWEPS copy it'll work just fine!

Why should we add it? - honestly 682 is meant to be the strongest scp on site but at the moment it might aswell be 1424, i have seen people crouch jump 1 million times too many around a 682 with an LMG and take away 2000 hp from him without a scratch.

What are the advantages of having this? - the swep won't be so shit and we will have a swe[ that works on the scp.

Who is it mainly for? - 682 users


What you want to see? - SCP 075-2 SWEP Changed or improved, I have no solution for this but maybe if you could find a swep that works on the server and test it on the server it would be great, testing stuff in single player is not as accurate as testing it on the server so I can't give any reasonable SWEP you can give the scp because I can't vouch for its effectiveness.

Why should we add it? - because just like 682s swep it is trash and hits people 1 in a 1000 shots.

What are the advantages of having this? - the scp will actually cause a keter level threat like it's meant to.

Who is it mainly for? - scp 076-2 users

Links to any content -  HERE YOU WILL FIND A SWEP https://steamcommunity.com/app/4000/workshop/

Edited by Jakub

Ex E11 COL, Ex A1 MAJ, Ex AHOTS, Ex Security 2LT, Ex Admin. Current CI 2LT.hpvmtjxv.gif.746119ffc4a9f625fc2b45279f09c097.gif

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+Support, however, i do believe igneous already said a while ago that he was already working on the issue of 682's Swep.

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the reason 682's swep is bad is because its LITERALLY a line of code basically playing if_looking_at_player=kill its literally a /slay command without actually being it, making it have to be very specific on placement, but if the swep could be made better like a few others (076) i would not be apposed so


+ support

                                                                             Chad of many names       Professional Shit talker


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+Support for the strongest scp 682 feels like a nerfed 076


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