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SCP-106 Termination Test


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  • Head Admin

Certainly a very combination of solutions to test SCP-106 with. This also brings into question our current methods of containing SCP-106.
For example, 106's substance is known to be quite acidic. Just as 682 is kept in a pool of strong acid;
Perhaps a dunk tank or shower system of sorts would be in question?
However, the usage of brand name solutions does come off as a bit off; Considering we have the materials and laboratories on hand to synthesis far more potent
solutions without the needs for additives or environmental guidelines.  Otherwise you're usage of descriptive wording,  well segmented paragraphs and overall;
Clean aesthetics, made it a nice read. Overall the presentation of the document was done cleanly, wasn't overly flashy and didn't serve as an eyesore.

A solid Quality grade.

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