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Wheatley's 096 Test

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Researcher Conducting Test:Wheatley

Question:Is 096 capable of Killing and [REDACTED] Of Subject That saw him when 096 was blind
Back Ground Research:N/A
Hypothesis:SCP 096 Will Not Be Capable Of Tracking Down Subject that saw his face when He was Blind=SCP 096 Needs to see who saw his face

What Happened Durring The Test:SCP 096 Has Been Blinded By Lighting System That I instaled In his CC Hour Before The Test
D CLASS Saw 096's face [096 Didnt killed D Or Cry] 
    Nu7 Soldier Entered 096's CC and Bagged his head.When I Captured D Subject and We were about to leave 096 Breached The Wall And killed D class

Evidance:Due to 096's Nature I decided to not take Any Records of the test

Analysis:SCP 096 Can Kill It's Victom but Only When He's Capable Of viewing and Not Blind 
 Was My Hypotesis Correct: Honestly I dont Really know I need to do more tests 

Notes: I will never forget that How He Breached the wall and jumped at D, I was afraid But God Or Something That Rules decided that i never saw his face I dont know How.
Wheatley Out 

Edited by Wheatley the moron
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Lore: 20/20

Follows the lore quite well. No issues there.

Creativity:  5 /20 

This type of test has been done to death


Presentation: 15 /20

Just a basic document. Nothing special here

Writing: 40/40

Writing is fine


TOTAL: 80/100

Grade: B-



Former DHOR Tomato

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