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Junior Chombos 173 Test


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Lore Name: Junior Researcher Chombos
Rank: Junior Researcher
SCP: Scp 173

Question / Idea: I had this idea of sending 2 D-class and waiting till a neck snapped, they would run 3 cycles in and out within a 15-20 second period.
Background Research: 173:A sculpture constructed of concrete and rebar with krylon-brand spray paint. It is capable of moving at high speeds and will kill by either snapping at the base of the skull or strangulation. It is incapable of moving when in a direct line of sight via Eye to Eye contact.
Hypothesis: My hypothesis is that the D-class will die, in a sort amount of time within the 1st or 2nd cycle when rotating through them. I want to see how 173 reacts to the same D-class it couldnt kill and try to kill them while cuffed. I believe that 173 will kill the D-Class in the 2nd cycle definitely. 

Observations (What Happened During Test): During the test scp 173 looked normal, stood still and waited to strike. I sent the D-class in, both cuffed so they couldnt punch nor damage the walls. They were told to not interact or go near the scp. I then turned off the light for 5 seconds while they were there, No neck snapping happened and both D-class were unharmed, Second time switching lights and no result of neck snapping. It seemed scp 173 was slower than usual, It had few marking and scratches from previous test and even was missing a bit on concrete on the hip portion. Then came the 2nd cycle. I sent the D-class in again, both cuffed so they couldnt punch nor damage the walls. They were told again to not interact or go near the scp.  The process follows, flick once, no snaps from what I can tell, Flick twice. No snaps again but a wall breaking sound occurred in the containment, both d-class unharmed and ready to go back in in 15 seconds. Then I flicked it not once, not twice, but three times. They both were killed when the third light flicked, they were both killed in an instant, 173 had not spared them.
Evidence/Visual Stimuli: 173 was slightly damaged from the hip, arm, and leg portion. Movement slower than usual and did not kill D-class until the 3rd cycle through. D-class were excited to survive and led to their deaths

Analysis / Conclusion (What Could Of Caused The Results): I learned my hypothesis was correct but 173 was severely weaker than expected. The sound made from 173 screeching the wall sounded awful like a fork against a chalk board. Due to the D-class pondering amount being alive resulted in their absolute downfall. Exposing them to the scp and ending them entirely, they were terminated by the scp and we gained much information from this including a small weakness to the scp.
Was Your Hypothesis Correct?: Yes

Former  E11/R&D Senior Command | Former IMP RP HCMD | Donator | "when you're drunk as fuck, you feel no pain" - Yohan 2022 |

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Grade: 95% 

Test Quality: Quality

Lore: 20/20

Everything you mentioned was relevant to your test.

Creativity: 20/20

Good creativity of the test.

Presentation: 15/20

Good presentation, however just a little scrunched and hard to read in the beginning but overall good paragraphs.

Writing: 40/40

I couldn't find any mistakes in grammar or spelling. 

Femboy Hooters. No Cogs he's mine.

Omi9 2LT Lee JL6

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