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SCP 096 Test Log | Senior Researcher Ron


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Lore Name: Senior Researcher Ron
Rank: Senior Researcher
SCP: 096 "The Shy Guy"

Question / Idea: If a D-class is given Amnestics after viewing SCP 096's Face (Therefore becoming SCP-096-1) will SCP 096 attempt to terminate the D-class? 

Background Research: SCP 096 is a Human-Looking (but not quite) creature measuring approximately 8 feet tall, and that's about all the human features it has. The key factor to know about SCP-096 for this test is it's extreme hostility to anyone who views its face. Upon any human creature (Possibly Animals Too? Research more later) viewing its face in any sort of way (Even four pixels, see Incident 096-1-A) SCP 096 goes into a sort of Rage State. After about 1-2 minutes, SCP 096 will begin to charge to the poor soul who viewed his face in any sort of way (The person who viewed SCP 096's face is now designated SCP-096-1 as mentioned earlier) and terminates 096-1 in quite a gruesome way leaving absolutely no trace of 096-1's body. After SCP 096 terminates 096-1, the monstrosity makes it's way back to it's containment cell and returns to being docile. It's also worth noting that inside of SCP 096's Containment Cell are Pressure Pads to monitor all movement and making sure he's still in there (which we will need for the test).

Other Background Research includes the proper amnestic that shall be used during this test. After consideration of the Amnestic Use Guide, I decided to use Class-A Amnestics which can be identified via the single black stripe under the can (See Evidence/Visual Stimuli). The only side effect that could be of possible worry is the sedation of the D-class personnel, however that is highly unlikely due to the 98.7% success rate of Class-A Amnestics.

Before running the test, I requested council from Research Supervisor Tomato, who gave me his recommendation on how to preform this test (Thanks for that!) who then assigned me to get an MTF escort. I then contacted Nu7 Commander Fool S117 who agreed to supervise the test (Which I took with great gratitude, as I expected him to send out a unit to supervise the test, not supervise it himself!) 

Research Supervisor Tomato agreed to meet me at SCP 096's Containment Chamber, as I was splitting off to acquire a D-class Personnel. After acquiring the personnel (Who was designated D-4215) and moved to SCP-096's Containment Chamber. Once I arrived at 096's CC, I was met with multiple Research and MTF units prepared to observe and protect the area. We entered the Containment Area, and proceeded with the test.

Hypothesis: I believe if a D-class personnel who views SCP 096's face and is administered Class-A Amnestics, SCP 096 will become docile once again without terminating the d-class.

Observations (What Happened During Test): Before D-4215's placement inside of the Containment Cell an MTF unit blindfolded them. Directly After the D-class was blindfolded, he was handed a envelope that contained a picture of SCP-096 (Which was graciously provided to me by S117) and was asked to step into the chamber. All MTF and Researchers in the room observing the test were asked to equip gasmasks in order to reduce any negative side-effects of the Class-A Amnestics. After the Gas-Masks were all equipped we asked D-4215 to remove his blindfold and look directly at the ground which D-4215 co-operated in doing. D-4215 was then asked to open the envelope, and view the picture inside. We know that he did this successfully as there was a large sense of yelling coming from the room from SCP-096 that matched my background researches audio clips.

After D-4215 (Who shall now be designated SCP 096-1) viewed the picture, I quickly activated the Class-A amnestic grenade that was thrown in there earlier by an MTF unit. After about 30-45 seconds All Audible Noise coming from SCP-096 stopped completely. Following SCP 096's noise of dread stopping, I quickly checked the pressure sensors and it showed the exact same weight was inside of the containment chamber. This means that both SCP 096 and SCP 096-1 (Who shall once again be designated D-4215) are alive due to SCP 096 completely annihilating all victims corpses upon termination (which in the case of D-4215's termination would leave only SCP 096's weight if D-4215 was terminated)

Evidence/Visual Stimuli:

 imageedit_4_8773076649.png.ebded278d681c11c4e7a2b5628f85785.pngClass A Amnestic Identification Symbol

imageedit_9_5876067813.thumb.png.0f1be0bc2e8c0691fced1700cb3278b5.pngSCP 096 Photo (Redacted for the safety of all who read this)

Analysis / Conclusion (What Could Of Caused The Results): My Hypothesis on why the amnesticasation worked relates to the amnestics. My hypothesis is while the normal use of Class-A Amnestics is "6-12hrs" (as it worked on the d-class personnel for about that long) it cut that to the last 6-12 SECONDS. (I did dig into this, and there has been no testing done regarding Amnesticising 096 or any recontainment methods regarding amnesticasation, so maybe look into that later?)

Was Your Hypothesis Correct?: Yes, indeed it was. I had a flicker of doubt at first, but I was proven wrong. For future tests, maybe I shall look into possible termination of SCP-096 with the rumored Ennui Protocol? No, stick to Recontainment Methods of 096 using Class B's or D's. (That last part might get me killed, oh well.)






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Former SCP:RP Event Team Leader (5/15/19 - 12/31/19)

Current SCP:RP Head Administrator

"I'll see you on the Dark Side of the Moon"

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Score: A+

Grade: Quality

Lore: 20/20

This hasn't been tested, can't go against lore.

Creativity: 20/20

Rarely do I see this kind of thing, and when I do, they usually just say "Amnestics" and not name a class.

Presentation: 20//20

Nothing wrong here, like how you used images and formatting!

Writing: 40/40

Nothing wrong here. Follows the Foundation's tone very well and everything that would break the general tone are delegated to mere notes. 

Professional minge, PhD in shitposting. Research Manager,  Hammer Down Private. Also known as Gutsy.

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