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Cancer's Research Field agent application


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Lore name: Cancer

Give a brief description of your character: I am a dedicated researcher that will go head first into any task given and try to accomplish it by any means necessary. (And I mean any)

1. You have been tasked by the administration to enter Site-05 for the investigation of a supposed infiltrator. This infiltrator may or may not be an active anti-meme and reality-bender. I would start by individually putting each person in the facility including class d in a fight or flight situation to see if they exhibit any reality bender or anti-meme traits. If no one exhibits those traits I will do blood tests on all foundation personnel and class d to determine if their in the foundation system or not.

2.  After a series of inquiries and unfortunate events relating to this anti-meme; The infiltrator has convinced the foundation you are in-fact the anti-meme; A death warrant is put on your head. How would you deal with this scenario?         I would firstly start by finding the anti-meme person and kill them and also post memes around the facility to prove my pro-meme stance.

3.  An entity representing a GOI has opened up a portal to a negotiation location. They are demanding the foundation give them several SCP's for termination; Or they will release key redacted information to the general public. You are sent to negotiate on behalf of research along with a representative of MTF. How would you go along negotiating with this entity and what would be your opening proposal?                    I would have mock SCP's that are as close as possible taken along with me and request that the data be transferred to us so they don't have it if that plan fails I will also have MTF teams on standby in order to forcefully get the data back. I will also have large scale amnestics on standby if they release the data to erase the memory of the public ever seeing the data. 


Retired Marshall


Retired Foundation Doctor

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