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Death Trooper Buff

Daddy Мaverick

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28 minutes ago, BadAim said:

It’s not really about protecting them, just giving them a force they can deploy if they need to cover a lot of area or don’t think they should use their sabers.


It’s there to act as a baby IQ apprentice pretty much, and it’s HP is so high because taking hits from lightsabers isn’t a possibility, it’s a definite.

Why would you have your Naval anywhere near a Jedi or the frontlines... That’s like rule #1 when guarding a VIP: keep them away from enemies that have high HP and DPS.

I won’t be continuing this conversation any further on this post, my -support still stands, DM me if you would like to continue the conversation.

1) thats a basic laymen term definition of protecting, which is also another verb for guarding

2) But again, it exists and you have it there for a reason which goes back to point 1

3) Why would a jedi be near naval then if they are on ship and on the deck? What you have essentially done with your response to that is say "Well if there are Jedi on the bridge they got past other defenses and Oh well its on them to survive."  It also means they got past you, the 31st, the 501st, SF, ST's and whatever defenses were set up PRIOR to getting to the bridge. That also means your large HP close range defenders were taken down as well. so ask this question, "If the enemy is getting by us and we have forward assault support and good HP (by your account that is) How is the last line going to hold with less HP and defense from keeping High value targets like naval alive?" And as far as to the frontlines from what I've seen high naval tends to stick near the back or break to sides away from general fighting.


If you want to go to private that is fine but I am leaving my responses here.....as this is a public discussion I would prefer to see public input. 

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Ok so purge needed more health to attack force wielders that’s a ok to me. So what’s so bad about us getting more health to protect high command?   Yes we have a powerful weapon. But you can’t use that as a argument for why we shouldn’t get more health because the fact is we die before we can use it. We can’t do are job when we get killed in 2 seconds. We’re HC guard squad and spec Opps force and yet we get killed just as quick as most troopers. That’s my 2 cents

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Huge +support

Death troops are suppose to have the responsibility to protect the high command without dying in 2 seconds (very epic)

High command may argue, but remember you have a whole squad to protect you. That's why it will still be the same since their main goal is to protect high command and do as told by them.

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