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Allowing Criminal Custom Classes to Purchase More Armor - Denied


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What you want to see? - Allowing Crim CCs to add 50 or 25 armour beyond 100 for 25$ per 50 or 25 (sorry it’s kinda hard to explain, but basically you can buy armor beyond 100 but it costs more for less armor.) 

Why should we add it? - Unless they get nerfed a lot, government has been getting buffed, and buffed, and buffed again. Crim will probably die if we don’t get access to more resources to compete.

What are the advantages of having this? - It could make combat/raids more interesting. Considering the fact that basing rules have changed to make it easier for gov to kill us/blow up our stuff, maybe the best thing to do would be to give us the opportunity to be buffed. That way, we can have more dynamic combat instead of: “oh look gov is here with their 200 armor each, guess we’ll surrender”

Who is it mainly for? - Criminal Custom Classes

Links to any content - N/A

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Unpopular opinion, but +Support

I'm 10000000% willing to pay money to get a slight bit of extra armor. I know it's difficult for gov to kill crims, but just git gud. Most TAC units spawn with over 200 armor, and while 1 SRT is definitely going to get destroyed by 5 CC's with Negevs, 1 crim with a Negev is still going to lose to 5 SRT. The problem with killing crims while on government seems to be more of a teamwork issue rather than just the fact "Custom Classes are OP." I personally have almost no problems 1v1ing a CC while on PD and I'm only CPL. If I were on SRT, I am confident I would have little to no problem 1v2ing a couple of CC's. 

Along what I said above about teamwork, when my family is all in discord together, I am constantly calling out targets: "OMG MIKEY'S HERE EVERYONE FOCUS DOWN THE SRT" "Okay, good job everyone, now Ryan is pulling up, everyone focus the ARU" So we end up winning a good majority of our gun fights. If you PD and TAC would all just work together like that and like they do when raiding bases, they would have absolutely no problem taking out CC's.

So again, I give my support because the fact the most people on CC's seem to last so long is more of a teamwork issue then the fact that they're "OP"

SX CEO ViperKimg | EMS/FR Reserves | Gaminglight Member Since 2017 | Donated Over $850 | Ex-PoliceRP Staff | $1,000,000,000 Achieved In-Game | Married to @EmptiedSkies ❤️

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